Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
We have the data to improve social services at the state and local levels. So how do we use it?

Good data is a critical component of delivering effective government services from local to federal levels. But now, too much useful data lives in a silo.

05.25.23 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
How do you clean up 170 million pieces of space junk?

The space economy is enormous, but one of its biggest challenges is tiny: space debris.

05.24.23 | 6 min read
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Emerging Technology
The bold vision of the CHIPS and Science Act isn’t getting the funding it needs

The CHIPS and Science Act establishes a compelling vision for U.S. innovation and place-based industrial policy, but that vision is already being hampered by tight funding.

05.23.23 | 10 min read
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Emerging Technology
What Should Come Next for the NSF Innovation Engines Communities? (And What About Those That Just Missed Out?)

There are exciting things ahead for communities that participated in the NSF Engines grant program, even for those that missed out on securing funding.

05.17.23 | 6 min read
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Emerging Technology
CHIPS and Science Funding Update: FY 2023 Omnibus, FY 2024 Budget Both Short by Billions

Here’s how CHIPS and Science funding is shaping up in the battle over the federal budget.

05.12.23 | 12 min read
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Education & Workforce
Five Ideas for the Education Sciences Reform Act

If the 118th Congress decides to reauthorize the ESRA, ALI urges the HELP committee to strengthen our education system by prioritizing the following policies.

05.11.23 | 3 min read
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Emerging Technology
How Do OpenAI’s Efforts To Make GPT-4 “Safer” Stack Up Against The NIST AI Risk Management Framework?

Before releasing a new, powerful system like GPT-4 to millions of users, we must ask: “How can we know that this system is safe, trustworthy, and reliable enough to be released?”

05.11.23 | 9 min read
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Emerging Technology
State Department Must Urgently Update the Exchange Visitor Skills List To Safeguard American Interests

The J1 visa Exchange Visitor Program, a pivotal mechanism fostering global cultural exchange and dissemination of specialized knowledge, remains regrettably stagnant since its last renewal in 2009.

05.11.23 | 2 min read
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Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: Using Effective Communication To Bridge the Gap Between Wildfire Science and Policy

In an environment where fire seasons are turning to fire years, and summer skies across North America are filled with wildfire smoke from as far away as another coast, the need for scientifically accurate wildland fire policy has never been greater.   Over the past several months, COMPASS Science Communication has been working in collaboration with […]

04.24.23 | 5 min read
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Emerging Technology
Proposed House Budget Would Reduce Federal R&D By An Estimated $442 Billion or 19% Over 10 Years

A nondefense-only cap approach may mean estimated cuts of 28% in FY 2024, and near 40% over the next decade, for science agencies like the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and NASA.

04.21.23 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Video Indicates that Lida Air Base Might Get Russian “Nuclear Sharing” Mission in Belarus

On 14 April 2023, the Belarusian Ministry of Defence released a short video of a Su-25 pilot explaining his new role in delivering “special [nuclear] munitions” following his training in Russia. The features seen in the video, as well as several other open-source clues, suggest that Lida Air Base––located only 40 kilometers from the Lithuanian border and the […]

04.19.23 | 7 min read
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Emerging Technology
What the CRS Report on Regional Innovation Ecosystems Gets Right and Misses

At the beginning of April, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) released a landmark report outlining the scope of federal investments in regional ecosystems, something we have written about at FAS in the past. This CRS report, ‘Regional Innovation: Federal Programs and Issues for Consideration,’ does an excellent job covering the scope and scale of our massive federal investment […]

04.17.23 | 13 min read
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