Publication Archive

Dr. Pierre-Clément Simon and Dr. Casey Icenhour, Idaho National Laboratory, Developing the Future of Fusion Energy

Dr. Pierre-Clément Simon and Dr. Casey Icenhour come from different backgrounds, but share similar passions: for driving forward progress in fusion energy and mentoring early career scientists.

06.25.24 | 7 min read
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Global Risk
We’re Entering a New Period, as Revealed by FAS Nuclear Arsenal Data Published in SIPRI Yearbook 2024

The SIPRI chapter describes the nuclear weapon modernization programs underway in each nuclear-armed state and provides estimates for how many nuclear warheads each country possesses.

06.17.24 | 2 min read
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Get Ready, Get Set, FESI!: Putting Pilot-Stage Clean Energy Technologies on a Commercialization Fast Track

As emerging clean energy technologies move along the innovation pipeline from first concept to commercialization, they encounter hurdles that can prove to be a death knell for young startups.

05.31.24 | 7 min read
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“I knew FAS is a group that really seeks to do good”: A Conversation with Dr. Rosina Bierbaum

As Rosina Bierbaum steps down from FAS’s Board of Directors, we sat down to find out more about how her science career began, and her time at the forefront of science policy.

05.30.24 | 14 min read
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Education & Workforce
Thinking Big To Solve Chronic Absenteeism

Across the country in small towns and large cities, rural communities and the suburbs, millions of young people are missing school at astounding rates.

05.17.24 | 4 min read
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Emerging Technology
The Importance of Standards for the U.S. Bioeconomy & National Security: A Conversation with Congressman Jake Auchincloss

We sat down with Congressman Jake Auchincloss to get a better understanding of how Congress and the Select Committee on the CCP view the need for standards for the bioeconomy.

05.16.24 | 6 min read
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Fixing federal permitting requires the right (digital) tools for the job. We built an inventory of them.

We built this inventory to enhance our collective understanding of how that software is used in the federal permitting process—and to open lines of dialogue for cross-agency and cross-sector learning.

05.14.24 | 6 min read
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Building a Firm Foundation for the DOE Foundation: It All Starts with a Solid Board

As ‘Friends of FESI’ we want to see this new foundation set up from day one to successfully fulfill the promise of its large impact. 

05.09.24 | 3 min read
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Emerging Technology
The DOE’s Proactive FY25 Budget Is Another Workforce Win On the Way to Staffing the Energy Transition

DOE has spent considerable time in the last few years focused on how to strengthen the Department’s workforce and deliver on its mission. The FY25 budget request looks to continue those investments.

05.07.24 | 3 min read
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Education & Workforce
How the NEED Act Would Ensure CHIPS Doesn’t Crumble

CHIPS is poised to ramp up demand for STEM graduates, but the nation’s education system is unprepared to produce them.

05.06.24 | 3 min read
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DOE’s FY25 Budget Request Remains Committed to the U.S. Transition to Clean Energy

The Administration has continued to push for further clean energy investments, but faces a difficult fiscal environment in Congress – which has meant shortfalls for many priority areas like funding for CHIPS and Science.

05.03.24 | 6 min read
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Education & Workforce
President Looks to Education Innovation in the FY25 Budget Request

An analysis of the President’s FY25 budget proposal by the Alliance for Learning Innovation found a lot to like.

05.02.24 | 3 min read
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