Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
The Future of Mobility in Michigan

The Detroit Regional Partnership has $52 million from the EDA to transition legacy automotive industry into a globally competitive advanced mobility cluster. Here’s how they’re doing it.

08.01.23 | 14 min read
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Global Risk
While Advocating Nuclear Transparency Abroad, Biden Administration Limits It At Home

Earlier this spring, the Department of Defense and Department of Energy twice rejected requests from the Federation of American Scientists to declassify the number of nuclear weapons in the US stockpile and the number of nuclear weapons awaiting dismantlement.

07.31.23 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Belarus’ “Nuclear-Capable” Iskanders Get A New Garage

The Belarusian military has completed what appears to be a new garage facility for the allegedly nuclear-capable Iskander missile launchers it received from Russia.

07.27.23 | 2 min read
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Education & Workforce
Implementation Bottlenecks: Federal Talent will Drive IIJA and IRA Success

Large injections of funding like with the IIJA and IRA without the people power to deliver on legislation can result in slow implementation, undermining the intentions of the bills.

07.27.23 | 4 min read
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Emerging Technology
One Ocean, One Blue Economy with Maritime Blue Coalition

What do Norway and the state of Washington have in common? They’re both driving maritime and blue economy innovation towards a cleaner future.

07.26.23 | 12 min read
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Global Risk
We Need Biological Verification and Attribution Tools to Combat Disinformation Aimed at International Institutions

The Biological Weapons Convention’s Ninth Review Conference took place under a unique geopolitical storm, as the COVID-19 pandemic raged and the Russian invasion of Ukraine took center stage.

07.25.23 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Oppenheimer, FAS, and Today’s Nuclear Weapons Risks

We spoke with Eliana Johns about how Oppenheimer’s story connects with contemporary issues and current risks, and how FAS continues to advocate for a safer world.

07.20.23 | 6 min read
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Emerging Technology
Issue Brief
FY24 NDAA AI Tracker

FAS is launching this live blog post to track all proposals around artificial intelligence (AI) that have been included in the NDAA.

07.18.23 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
How A Defunct Policy Is Still Impacting 11 Million People 90 Years Later

Have you ever noticed a lack of tree cover in certain areas of a city? Have you ever visited a city and been advised to avoid certain districts or communities? If so, what you experienced was likely by design.

07.18.23 | 9 min read
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Global Risk
Does Russia Have Nuclear Landmines?

Recent U.S. Intelligence reports refer repeatedly to the existence of Russian nuclear landmines, although it is uncertain how operational they are.

07.17.23 | 6 min read
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We need to address the housing supply crisis

Housing costs have ballooned, far outpacing the broader cost of living in the U.S. Addressing the housing crisis is a bipartisan issue.

07.17.23 | 3 min read
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Emerging Technology
ICSSI 2023: Hacking the Science of Science

We partnered with Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management to host the first Metascience Hackathon. Here’s what we learned.

07.13.23 | 7 min read
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