The next administration should empower patients as partners in managing of their health data and tissue samples.
There has been a surge of public interest in the drug fluvoxamine as a potential treatment for individuals with mild COVID-19, and Congressional offices are receiving many questions about the possibility of using the drug to counter COVID-19 from constituents. This brief outlines what is known to date about fluvoxamine in the context of the […]
The primary deterrence challenge facing the United States today is preventing aggression and escalation in limited conventional conflicts with a nuclear-armed adversary.
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA’s) new Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan (SSMP) doubles the number of new nuclear warhead programs compared with the previous plan from 2019. The plan shows nuclear weapons advocates taking full advantage of the Trump administration to boost nuclear weapon programs. The new plan also shows significantly increasing nuclear weapons […]
The next administration should launch national Place-Based Public-Private Partnerships for Innovation to supercharge American innovation.
The Federal Government should build critical technology infrastructure that will facilitate expansion and use of telehealth for veterans.
Create a program to help community-serving organizations tackle the technological and ethical challenges of developing AI systems.
The next administration should take steps to streamline the patent application process and improve the innovation ecosystem.
The next administration and Congress should embed evaluation and evidence-building into stimulus legislation for efficient recovery.
The next administration should control drug costs through an evidence-based approach to optimizing drug dosing and improving outcomes.
The next administration should launch a public-private partnership to advance the research foundations of AI and its application at scale.
The next administration should ensure equitable recovery and economic mobility by promoting evidence-based decision-making across agencies.