Publication Archive

Fighting Fire With Policy

This week, we’re launching a Wildland Fire Policy Accelerator to develop policy ideas aimed at improving how we live with fire in the United States.

10.26.22 | 3 min read
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Policy Memo
Pandemic Readiness Requires Bold Federal Financing for Vaccines

Getting ahead of the next pandemic is impossible without government financing.

10.25.22 | 10 min read
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Policy Memo
Masks via Mail: Maintaining Critical COVID-19 Infrastructure for Future Public Health Threats

To protect against future infectious disease outbreaks, the Department of Health and Human Services Coordination Operations and Response Element should develop and maintain the capacity to regularly deliver N95 respirator masks to every home using a mail delivery system.

09.12.22 | 6 min read
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Policy Memo
Creating a Digital Service for the Planet

To implement environmental initiatives efficiently, the federal government should build and deploy digital resources in ways that meet the needs of multiple environmental and ecological agencies at once.

08.09.22 | 7 min read
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Burning Questions: Wildfire Policy with Erica Goldman

Americans now get all-too-regular reminders of the dangers posed by wildfires: just this week California’s McKinney Fire provided a tragic example.  All would agree that limiting the risks posed to lives and property from wildfires is critical – but what are the best ways to do that? Erica Goldman and her science policy team at FAS are working […]

08.02.22 | 5 min read
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Policy Memo
Addressing the Mental Health Crisis Among Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers in STEM

The federal government must ensure that success for early-career STEM professionals does not demand mental-health sacrifice.

05.11.22 | 7 min read
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Policy Memo
Reduce, Repurpose, Recharge: Establishing a Collaborative Doctrine of Groundwater Management in the Ogallala Aquifer

The federal government should create a Reduce, Repurpose, Recharge Initiative (RRRI): a voluntary program designed to keep farmers engaged in groundwater conservation in the Ogallala Aquifer.

05.04.22 | 7 min read
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Policy Memo
Establishing the AYA Research Institute: Increasing Data Capacity and Community Engagement for Environmental-Justice Tools

The Biden Administration should create the “AYA Research Institute” to increase federal capacity to identify and resolve environmental justice issues.

05.03.22 | 6 min read
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Policy Memo
Establishing a National Endemic Disease Surveillance Initiative (NEDSI)

The Biden-Harris Administration should establish a National Endemic Disease Surveillance Initiative (NEDSI) to remove barriers to tracking and predicting endemic, infectious diseases.

04.27.22 | 7 min read
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Policy Memo
Combating Bias in Medical Innovation

The Biden-Harris Administration must act to address bias in medical technology at the development, testing and regulation, and market-deployment and evaluation phases.

04.26.22 | 17 min read
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The Next Ten Years of Climate Policy, According to Our Experts

Two weeks ago, the IPCC released their most dire warning yet – that we have just three years to prevent the most catastrophic storms, natural disasters, and droughts human civilization might ever see. We are getting closer and closer to the temperature that scientists have warned us for decades would do irreversible damage to our societies and […]

04.22.22 | 7 min read
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Policy Memo
Regulating Probiotic Use and Improving Veterinary Care to Bolster Honeybee Health

The FDA and USDA should improve the administration of antibiotics in apiculture and strengthen the regulation of pre- and probiotic supplements marketed to commercial beekeepers. 

04.20.22 | 6 min read
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