Publication Archive

day one project
Policy Memo
Federal Approval of Over-the-Counter Birth-Control Pills

The U.S. should approve over-the-counter (OTC) birth-control pills to ensure universal access to contraception.

08.30.21 | 1 min read
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Why and How Faculty Should Participate in U.S. Policy Making

If the U.S. Congress is to produce sound policies that benefit the public good, science and technology faculty members must become active participants in the American policy-making process. One key element of that process is congressional hearings: public forums where members of Congress question witnesses, learn about pressing issues, develop policy initiatives and conduct oversight of […]

08.17.21 | 1 min read
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Empowering Healthy Eating in America

Poor diets present elevated health risks, and Americans need help finding the time and resources to eat nutritiously Americans get bombarded with promotions for unsubstantiated diet fads on the internet, are exposed to dubious weight-loss branded foods in grocery stores, and often struggle to eat nutritiously. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a balanced diet […]

08.11.21 | 2 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
American Rescue Plan Funding: A Playbook for Efficiently Getting the Lead Out

A data-driven approach to rid American communities of the pernicious effects of lead contamination in water systems.

08.06.21 | 1 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Ensuring Good Governance of Carbon Dioxide Removal

CDR implementation would responsibly, equitably, and effectively combat climate change by achieving net-negative CO2 emissions.

07.15.21 | 1 min read
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Press release
FAS launches new Science Council in collaboration with Congressman Bill Foster

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Federation of American Scientists (FAS), in collaboration with Congressman Bill Foster (D, IL-11) and his office, has launched a new Science Council to: The Science Council includes seven leading scientists and technologists, specializing in fields such as infectious diseases, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and social epidemiology. During the first FAS-convened meeting […]

06.22.21 | 4 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Support Electrification at Regional Airports to Preserve Competitiveness & Improve Health Outcomes

The Biden Administration should electrify the entire aviation ecosystem to eliminate airport lead emissions and create jobs.

06.02.21 | 12 min read
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Federally-supported initiatives aim to reduce maternal mortality and shed light on the effects of therapeutics on pregnant and lactating women

Each year about 700 women die from pregnancy or birth complications in the U.S., the worst maternal mortality rate out of all industrialized countries. The need to improve U.S. rates of maternal mortality, as well as bolster research on the safety of prescription drugs for the health of pregnant and lactating women, were both raised […]

06.01.21 | 4 min read
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Press release
FAS Statement on President’s Budget Request to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Federation of American Scientists Acting President Dan Correa released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s proposed $6 trillion budget request to Congress: “With a global pandemic disrupting the world and highlighting both the strengths and liabilities of the United States’ economy and infrastructure, the Federation of American Scientists commends President […]

05.28.21 | 2 min read
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A health-oriented ARPA could help the U.S. address challenges like antimicrobial resistance

To help catalyze innovation in the health and biomedical sciences, research and development (R&D) paradigms with a track record of producing ‘moonshot’-scale breakthroughs – such as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) model – stand at the ready. The Biden Administration has recognized this, proposing the establishment of an ARPA for health (ARPA-H) as part […]

05.25.21 | 6 min read
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Nominee for OSTP director – Dr. Eric Lander – sees key federal role for creating and sharing synthetic biology toolkits, best practices

The field of synthetic biology has enormous potential for constructively impacting society, already contributing products such as drugs, food ingredients, and living fertilizers. As the field continues to develop, standardization of synthetic biology tools, techniques, and processes could help realize that potential. The rapid growth of the semiconductor industry in the 20th century, and its […]

05.11.21 | 5 min read
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Press release
FAS Announces Organ Procurement Organization Innovation Cohort

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), with financial support from Schmidt Futures, announced that six organ procurement organizations (OPOs) have joined the FAS Organ Procurement Organization Innovation Cohort, committing to use data science and transparency to accelerate improved patient outcomes and to inform ongoing, data-driven policy development.  This follows the finalization […]

05.04.21 | 3 min read
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