Publication Archive

Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Incorporating Health and Safety Data in CareerOneStop Websites to Optimize Career-change Guidance

To enable transitioning workers, the DOL should update its career guidance tools to include data on health and safety risks.

08.05.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Using AI and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality to Deliver Tailored and Effective Jobs Training

To address continuous labor market transformation and automation, all Americans need to have access to agile and effective jobs training.

07.29.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Improving Data Infrastructure to Meet Student and Learner Information Needs

A renewed commitment to modernizing the SLDS data infrastructure and to the students these systems serve is needed.

07.23.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Doubling the R&D Capacity of the Department of Education

The time is now to transform the research arm of the Education Department into an innovative, novel space to improve education outcomes.

07.09.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Building an Evergreen $1 Billion Fund for Science and Technology Career Advancement

Use H-1B fees to launch innovative programs that advance U.S. economic competitiveness and diversify the STEM talent pipeline.

06.22.21 | 17 min read
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Education & Workforce
Unleashing international entrepreneurs to help the U.S. economy recover from the pandemic

In 2014, then-Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Jeh Johnson issued a memo (The 2014 memo) recommending “policies supporting U.S. high-skilled businesses and workers.” DHS offered a range of policies for updating the employment-based immigration system to encourage economic development. We propose that DHS issue a follow-up memo now focused specifically on international […]

05.20.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
“Quorkforce”: Developing a National Quantum Workforce

Due to the rapid growth in the field of quantum computing, both the public and private sectors are struggling to find skilled employees.

05.18.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Demystifing Tech Careers: Industry-Driven Transparency for Expanding Access to the New Economy

A Transparent Tech Training Alliance could expand access to early tech careers to low-wage workers and help small and mid-sized enterprises.

05.13.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Establishing the White House Council on Disabilities

The 61 million adults in the United States living with a disability deserve to engage with the world on their own terms.

05.12.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
A National Commitment to Post-Graduate Education in Information Technology

The Administration should address pressing IT talent shortages while empowering Americans to participate in the IT economy.

04.27.21 | 2 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
A Proposal to Amplify Youth Voices in STEM

A robust STEM ecosystem is imperative to our country’s national security, international leadership, and economic recovery from COVID-19.

04.23.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Creating an Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-L) for the Department of Labor

The Federal Government should annually invest $100 million for 5 years to launch an Advanced Research Projects Agency for Labor (ARPA-L).

03.29.21 | 2 min read
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