Publication Archive

Education & Workforce
Healthy Kids, High Grades: Using Data to Evaluate Health and Education Policy

We always knew that healthy children do better in school. Now we have rigorous empirical research to back it up.

09.28.23 | 4 min read
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Education & Workforce
Kindergarten, Once Radical, Needs a Revamp to Provide More Equitable Learning Outcomes

Now academically challenging, kindergarten creates longstanding learning divisions between students who do or do not attend.

09.14.23 | 6 min read
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Education & Workforce
Implementation Bottlenecks: Federal Talent will Drive IIJA and IRA Success

Large injections of funding like with the IIJA and IRA without the people power to deliver on legislation can result in slow implementation, undermining the intentions of the bills.

07.27.23 | 4 min read
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Education & Workforce
Five Ideas for the Education Sciences Reform Act

If the 118th Congress decides to reauthorize the ESRA, ALI urges the HELP committee to strengthen our education system by prioritizing the following policies.

05.11.23 | 3 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Supporting Historically Disadvantaged Workers through a National Bargaining in Good Faith Fund

People working in the gig economy, tech supply chain, and other automation-adjacent roles face a huge barrier to unionizing their workplaces. These roles, which are among the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. economy, are overwhelmingly filled by BIPOC workers. The Biden-Harris Administration can promote racial equity and support low-wage BIPOC workers’ unionization efforts by creating a National Bargaining in Good Faith Fund.

04.11.23 | 9 min read
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Education & Workforce
Press release
ALI Releases Statement on the President’s FY2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Alliance for Learning Innovation (ALI) applauds the increases proposed for education research and development (R&D) and innovation in the President’s budget request. These include the $870.9 million proposed for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), including $75 million for a National Center for Advanced Development in Education (NCADE), the $405 million […]

03.15.23 | 2 min read
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Education & Workforce
Press release
New Coalition Launches for Increased Investment in Education R&D

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) launched the Alliance for Learning Innovation (ALI), a bipartisan initiative co-led with Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC, to increase education research and development investments across the federal government.  The alliance brings together a group of education nonprofits, practitioners, philanthropy, and the private sector to advocate for […]

02.14.23 | 3 min read
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Education & Workforce
118th Congress: Education & Workforce

Amid growing global competition in emerging technologies, increasing adoption of automation and artificial intelligence, and economic and national security trends upended by the pandemic, the United States is facing a generational challenge. In the labor market, major shifts that were once the product of future-casting are now squarely upon us, demanding a strategic approach to […]

01.12.23 | 7 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Establishing White House Initiative for STEM Educational Equity and Excellence at the U.S. Department of Education

We are missing out on the brilliance of many young people, especially girls and children of color, because they are not afforded STEM opportunities they deserve. STEM E3 can close the equity gap.

12.16.22 | 8 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Strengthening and Diversifying the Biomedical Research Workforce Through a National Institutes of Health and Department of Education Collaboration

Addressing health inequities and serving our nation’s diverse population requires an equally diverse biomedical workforce.

11.22.22 | 7 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Digital Ethics for All: Implementing a National Digital Framework for K–12 Education

In our growing age of tech and social media, tech-ethics are increasingly relevant. A National Digital Ethics Framework can equip students to navigate a digitally transforming world responsibly and successfully.

11.17.22 | 6 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
The STEMpathy Task Force: Creating a Generation of Culturally Competent STEM Professionals

STEM subjects are powerful levers for change, but formal STEM-ed lacks opportunities to practice cultural competency. Anjika Pai and Sophia Swartz propose a task force committed to building values of inclusion and public service into the U.S. STEM workforce.

11.04.22 | 6 min read
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