Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
118th Congress: Ensuring Energy Security

Recent crises, such as the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, have led to volatile fossil fuel prices and raised national concerns about energy security. The growing frequency of blackouts across the country due to extreme weather points to an increasingly vulnerable and aging electric grid. Grid capacity right now is incapable of supporting the rapid […]

01.12.23 | 8 min read
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Emerging Technology
Science and Innovation in the 118th Congress

To help seed the ground for bipartisan progress, we’ve put together a menu of the best policy ideas on a range of critical topics.

01.12.23 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
118th Congress: Bioeconomy & Health Security

For the United States, the economic, societal, and national security benefits of the life sciences are vast. The U.S. bioeconomy – the part of the economy driven by the life sciences and biotech, and enabled by engineering, computing, and information science – is valued at over $950 billion. Life sciences research leads to cleaner crops […]

01.12.23 | 9 min read
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Emerging Technology
118th Congress: Emerging Tech & Competitiveness

Global competition for advanced technology leadership is fierce. China continues to build scholarship capacity across science and engineering disciplines, has surpassed the United States in knowledge- and technology-intensive manufacturing, and is hot on American heels for the global lead in R&D investment. In the U.S., domestic manufacturing jobs have enjoyed a recent surge, but the […]

01.12.23 | 6 min read
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Emerging Technology
118th Congress: Resilient Agriculture, Society & Environment

Over the past several years, instability has been a national and global constant. The COVID-19 pandemic upended supply chains and production systems. Floods, hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, and fires have imposed catastrophic consequences and forced people to reconsider where they can safely live. Russia’s war with Ukraine and other geopolitical conflicts have forced countries around […]

01.12.23 | 5 min read
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Emerging Technology
118th Congress: Infrastructure

America’s infrastructure is in disrepair and our transportation system has failed to keep pace with usage, technology and maintenance needs. As a result, 43% of public roadways are in poor or mediocre condition, roadway fatalities reached nearly 43,000 last year, and logistics and supply chain systems are ill-prepared for the increasing stresses caused by pandemics, […]

01.12.23 | 4 min read
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Annual Report 2022

About FAS When properly harnessed, science, technology, and innovation can greatly benefit society. The challenge, however, is that the U.S. governments often struggle to capitalize on these sources of ideas, evidence, and experience to drive effective policy and governance. FAS exists to change that dynamic. Founded in 1945, FAS envisions a world where cutting-edge science, […]

11.30.22 | 24 min read
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Global Risk
The Biden Administration’s Nuclear Posture Review

On 27 October 2022, the Biden administration finally released an unclassified version of its long-delayed Nuclear Posture Review. Here’s what you need to know.

10.27.22 | 6 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Commission on PPBE Reform’s Congressional Language

S. 1605 — National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 ​SEC. 1004. Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Reform.             (a) Establishment.–                          (1) In general.–There is hereby established an independent commission in the legislative branch to […]

01.24.22 | 13 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Resource Allocation Questions To Be Answered

The Day One Project recently conducted a white-boarding session with 20 PPBE experts. The product of this seminar is the following list of broad questions about the financial barriers to the Department of Defense’s efforts to modernize the US military. These questions, and the research necessary to answer them, can serve as a roadmap for […]

01.24.22 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
Industrial Policy Memo

To inform the Administration’s new strategy, we pulled together a curated set of ideas from our extensive portfolio of nonpartisan, actionable ideas in science and technology policy.

09.30.21 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
What Is the Sole Purpose of U.S. Nuclear Weapons?

Read the full report PDF here.  Summary Depending on how it is defined, sole purpose could have transformational effects on nearly every aspect of nuclear weapons policy or relatively modest effects. It could accommodate or incorporate a range of related policy options, like a deterrence-only posture or no first use. In January 2021, President Biden […]

09.16.21 | 7 min read
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