Publication Archive

Government Capacity
Improving Public Awareness and Understanding of Advisory Committees

Improving public awareness of FDA Advisory Committees would improve public trust and deter misinformation related to the approval of medical products.

09.13.24 | 4 min read
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Government Capacity
The Role of Patient Advocacy in the AdComm Process

The absence of consistent voting privileges for patient representatives on Advisory Committees hinders representatives from providing an voice on behalf of the community they represent.

09.12.24 | 7 min read
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Government Capacity
FDA Staff and Leadership Disagreements and the Role of the AdComm in the Regulatory Process

Internal disagreements present a growing concern about FDA leadership overruling the expert opinions of scientific staff and proceeding with official approvals, thus undermining staff expertise, decreasing agency morale, and potentially diminishing public trust.

09.10.24 | 6 min read
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Government Capacity
Leveraging AdComm Membership

AdComm members note a lack of transparency in recruitment methods, insufficient training, and limited understanding of regulatory procedures.

09.09.24 | 8 min read
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Government Capacity
The Future of Voting for FDA Advisory Committees

Public meetings led by FDA Advisory Committees are instrumental in facilitating transparent deliberation between the FDA, the advisory body, and the American public.

09.09.24 | 4 min read
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Government Capacity
Scaling Effective Methods across Federal Agencies: Looking Back at the Expanded Use of Incentive Prizes between 2010-2020

Incentive prizes moved from a tool used primarily outside of the federal government to one used commonly across federal agencies, due to a concerted, multi-pronged effort led by policy entrepreneurs and incentive prize practitioners in the EOP and across federal agencies, with bipartisan congressional support.

08.29.24 | 31 min read
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Making the Most of OSHA’s Extreme Heat Rule

OSHA’s proposed heat rule aims to protect approximately 36 million workers in indoor and outdoor settings from heat-related illnesses and fatalities. Its success hinges on substantial investments to bridge the gap between policy and practice.

07.31.24 | 11 min read
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Emerging Technology
Understanding the U.S. Bioeconomy: Agency Perspectives

To understand the range of governmental priorities for the bioeconomy, we spoke with key agencies represented on the National Bioeconomy Board to collect their perspectives.

07.16.24 | 15 min read
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Clean Energy
Policy Memo
Critical Thinking on Critical Minerals

The current planned capacity for lithium processing in the U.S. is on track to meet demand from domestic battery factories. However, current planned capacity for nickel, cobalt, and graphite still fall well short of future demand.

07.09.24 | 29 min read
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Building a Whole-of-Government Strategy to Address Extreme Heat

The federal government plays a critical role in scaling up heat resilience interventions through research and development, regulations, standards, guidance, funding sources, and other policy levers. But what are the transformational policy opportunities for action?

06.18.24 | 32 min read
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Heat Hazards and Migrant Rights: Protecting Agricultural Workers in a Changing Climate

Comprehensive heat safety standards are essential to mitigate the impacts of climate change on farmworkers and ensure the sustainability and resilience of agricultural operations.

06.06.24 | 18 min read
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A Guide to Public Deliberation

Public deliberation, when performed well, can lead to more transparency, accountability to the public, and the emergence of ideas that would otherwise go unnoticed.

06.04.24 | 19 min read
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