Iran: Authority to Lift Sanctions, and More from CRS
The diverse economic sanctions imposed on Iran by U.S. law or executive order, and the feasibility of lifting those sanctions, are tabulated and presented in a new report from the Congressional Research Service.
“The sudden possibility that the United States may ease financial sector sanctions, and perhaps commit to an eventual dismantling of the entire panoply of economic restrictions on Iran affecting aid, trade, shipping, banking, insurance, underwriting, and support in the international financial institutions, arrives at a time when Congress has been considering additional sanctions on Iran.”
“This report identifies the legislative bases for sanctions imposed on Iran, and the nature of the authority to waive or lift those restrictions.”
A copy was obtained by Secrecy News. See Iran: U.S. Economic Sanctions and the Authority to Lift Restrictions, February 4, 2014.
Other new or newly updated CRS reports on Middle East-related topics include the following.
Iran Sanctions, January 31, 2014
Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations, February 6, 2014
Iraq: Politics, Governance, and Human Rights, February 5, 2014
The Palestinians: Background and U.S. Relations, January 31, 2014
Kuwait: Security, Reform, and U.S. Policy, January 30, 2014
Qatar: Background and U.S. Relations, January 30, 2014
Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations, January 27, 2014
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As long as nuclear weapons exist, nuclear war remains possible. The Nuclear Information Project provides transparency of global nuclear arsenals through open source analysis. It is through this data that policy makers can call for informed policy change.
The emphasis on interagency consensus, while well-intentioned, has become a structural impediment to bold or innovative policy options. When every agency effectively holds veto power over proposals, the path of least resistance becomes maintaining existing approaches with minor modifications.