Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
What Works in Boston, Won’t Necessarily Work in Birmingham: 4 Pragmatic Principles for Building Commercialization Capacity in Innovation Ecosystems

Successful commercialization efforts have now grown across the country, but what do they have in common, and why do they work? Our experts weigh in.

10.24.23 | 12 min read
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How Permitting Reform Can Unlock Clean Energy Development

“Permitting reform” may not sound sexy, but it is critical if the federal government wants to meet its clean energy and climate goals.

10.23.23 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Upgrade Underway for Russian Silos to Receive New Sarmat ICBM

New satellite imagery shows that preparations to deploy Russia’s new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile are well underway.

10.19.23 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Strategic Posture Commission Report Calls for Broad Nuclear Buildup

In contrast to the Biden administration’s Nuclear Posture Review, the Congressionally-mandated Strategic Posture Commission report is a full-throated embrace of a U.S. nuclear build-up.

10.12.23 | 13 min read
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Big Issues for Science Policy in a Challenging World: A Conversation with Dr. Alondra Nelson

“If you want your science to have an impact, you should find ways to elevate the visibility of your findings among policymakers.”

10.11.23 | 4 min read
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Emerging Technology
AI in Action: Recommendations for AI Policy in Health, Education, and Labor

Responsible governance is crucial to harnessing the immense benefit promised by AI. Here are recommendations for advancing ethical, high-impact AI with thoughtful oversight.

10.05.23 | 7 min read
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Emerging Technology
Wins, Gaps, & Looking Forward in the U.S. Bioeconomy

September should be bioeconomy month. To celebrate, we took our experts to the Hill to share their research and recommendations with Congress.

10.04.23 | 4 min read
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Education & Workforce
Putting the fun in fundamental: how playful learning improves children’s outcomes

Children are born ready to play and explore the world around them – education policy should nurture this curiosity, not stifle it.

10.03.23 | 8 min read
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Emerging Technology
CHIPS and Science: FY24 Research Appropriations Short by Over $7 Billion

Despite growing international competition, appropriations for research agencies have fallen quite short of the CHIPS and Science targets.

10.03.23 | 10 min read
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Emerging Technology
Risk and Reward in Peer Review

The U.S. federal government is the largest funder of scientific research in the world — but it is risk-averse to a fault. New approaches to peer review can bring American research back to the bleeding edge.

10.02.23 | 6 min read
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Government Shutdowns Are ‘Science Shutdowns’

FAS experts believe government shutdowns are science shutdowns: costly and ineffective standoffs that stifle scientific pursuits and do harm.

09.28.23 | 3 min read
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Education & Workforce
Healthy Kids, High Grades: Using Data to Evaluate Health and Education Policy

We always knew that healthy children do better in school. Now we have rigorous empirical research to back it up.

09.28.23 | 4 min read
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