Publication Archive

Global Risk
Update on the Reliable Replacement Warhead

At first glance, who could complain about replacing current nuclear warheads with ones that are more reliable? After all, since we have them they should work. But the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) program may do no good, may do much harm, and will cost a lot if carried forward. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Reliable […]

05.08.06 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Secret Nuclear Assurance

The administration has a new plan: as it prepares for production of the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) to replace most of the nuclear warheads in the operational stockpile, it will “accelerate” dismantlement of retired nuclear warheads to “assure other nations that we are not building up our stockpile.” According to this plan, Deputy Secretary of […]

05.04.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Chinese Nuclear Weapons Profiled

The Chinese nuclear stockpile appears to be only half as big as previously thought, according to a new overview published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Up to 130 warheads may be deployed out of a total stockpile of some 200 warheads. Several new weapon systems are under development which the Pentagon says could […]

05.01.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
FAS releases Congressional Research Service report on Dual Use Biological Research

We have just posted a recent report from CRS on Dual Use Biological research and the role and activities of the National Science Advisory Board on Biosecurity (NSABB). The report is a summary of the history and role of the NSABB and outlines some of their activities. View the report at /sgp/crs/natsec/RL33342.pdf

04.28.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
New Uranium Enrichment Calculator

Our ace FAS researcher, Lucas Royland, has developed a simple calculator that allows prediction of when Iran will first have enough highly enriched uranium to build a simple gun-assembled nuclear bomb. We must emphasize that the calculator gives the best case (from the Iranian point of view, the worst case from the rest of the […]

04.13.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Opposing the Indian Nuclear Deal, not India.

An earlier FAS blog entry analyzed, and criticized, proposed legislation that grants the Bush Administration pre-approval of the details of an eventual nuclear trade deal with India. FAS has also organized a petition campaign to encourage members of Congress to vote against the legislation. (And blog readers are encouraged to sign the petition.) The Times […]

04.06.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Harkin Amendment for Avian Flu funding passes!

Yesterday, the Senate passed a whopping $107 billion Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill to fund the war in Iraq. Attached to the bill was an amendment by Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) that adds $2.3 billion to prepare for an influenza pandemic. Such money will also prepare the country for other public health emergencies and is a […]

04.05.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Non-Nuclear Test Will Simulate Nuclear Weapon Strike

Update (February 22, 2007): DTRA announces that Divine Strake has been canceled. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) today confirmed to FAS that the upcoming Divine Strake test widely reported in the media to be a non-nuclear event is in fact a low-yield nuclear weapons calibration simulation against an underground target. A few, including Albuquerque […]

04.03.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Chinese Nuclear Forces and U.S. Nuclear War Planning

This report examines the debate over China’s modernization of its nuclear forces, describes past and current U.S. nuclear targeting of China, and uses software to simulate the effects of Chinese and U.S. of nuclear attacks.

04.01.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
For the Record

At a Senate hearing on the foreign aid budget on Tuesday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice underscored the importance of “…deny[ing] terrorists access to the world’s most dangerous weapons, including conventional weapons like MANPADS,” and pointed to funding increases in the President’s FY07 budget for State Department programs that “help countries counter the proliferation of […]

03.30.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Will The Right Nuclear Policy Please Stand Up!

Will the New Triad of nuclear and non-nuclear capabilities reduce or increase the role of U.S. nuclear weapons? To get an answer to that question I went to a hearing the Senate Armed Services Committee held earlier today on the Pentagon’s new Global Strike mission. But instead of giving a clear answer, the Pentagon muddled […]

03.29.06 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Senate To Hold Long-Overdue Hearing on New Global Strike Mission

The Senate Armed Services Committee plans to hold a hearing on Wednesday, March 29th, on the Pentagon’s new offensive Global Strike mission. The Committee has asked the following officials to testify: * Peter C. W. Flory, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy * General James E. Cartwright, USMC, Commander, U.S. Strategic Command * […]

03.27.06 | 1 min read
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