Publication Archive

Global Risk
Turkish Parliament Debates US Nuclear Weapons At Incirlik Air Base

Deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey was brought up in a debate in the Turkish Parliament today by Turkey’s former Ambassador to the United States, Sukru Elekdag. According to an article in the Turkish paper Hürriyet, Elekdag called attention to a report, US Nuclear Weapons In Europe, which asserts that the U.S. Air Force […]

06.07.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
WMD Commission Seeks to Revive Disarmament

In a whopper 231-page report published today, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission presented 60 specific recommendations for how to move the nonproliferation and disarmament agenda forward. The recommendations are familiar to anyone involved in these matters over the past 50 years: reduce the danger of nuclear arsenals; prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; […]

06.01.06 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
FBI declassifies US bacterial warfare document

An FBI account of “Bacteriological Warfare in the United States” was obtained by through the Freedom of Information Act. In all, 709 pages were released relating to bacterial warfare efforts in the US from 1941-1950, some of which are heavily redacted. 1,074 pages have been witheld for further review by other agencies. The account […]

05.31.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
NNSA Walking a Fine Line on Divine Strake

Update (February 22, 2007): DTRA announces that Divine Strake has been canceled. In a surprising move, the National Nuclear Security Administration last week withdrew (!) its Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Divine Strake, a document issued in April that declared that a planned detonation of 700 tons of chemical explosives at the Nevada […]

05.31.06 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Threat Reduction Legislation Sails through House and Senate Committees

Last week, lawmakers demonstrated their commitment to reining in the black market trade in deadly conventional weapons by forwarding two important bills to the full House and Senate. On Tuesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the Lugar-Obama Act (S. 2566) by voice vote and without amendment. The bill calls on the State Department to […]

05.30.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Make Trident Conventional

The week before last, Harold Brown and James Schlesinger argued in an op-ed in the Washington Post that the United States should arm some of the ballistic missiles on the Trident submarine with conventional warheads. Michael Gordon had a story in yesterday’s New York Times explaining that Rumsfeld fully supports the idea and hopes to […]

05.30.06 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Visting the Titan Missile Museum

On a recent trip to Tucson, Arizona I visited the Titan Missile Museum, something I recommend for all FAS blog readers who might be in the area. The tour was great. You get to visit the silo and the launch control area. They even have a decommissioned Titan missile in the silo. All very impressive. […]

05.30.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Chinese Military Power: Can We Avoid Cold War?

The Pentagon yesterday released its annual warning of the growing Chinese military threat. This year’s version continues the refrain from previous years and reiterates the conclusion from the recent Quadrennial Defense Review that China now is seen as the top large-scale military threat to the United States. The signs of a Chinese threat are all […]

05.24.06 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Biosecurity, Flu and Chemical Weapons updates

FAS has posted a new a Congressional Research Service report on Avian Influenza and two Biosecurity reports from the military. We also launched a revised chemical weapons resource website. Congressional Research Service Report entitled “US and International Responses to Global Threat of Avian Flu” from May 1, 2006. It provides an up-to-date account of global […]

05.16.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Rep. Royce introduces legislation on shoulder fired missiles

Yesterday Rep. Edward Royce (R-CA) introduced a far-reaching bill that, if passed, would boost US efforts to curb the threat posed by Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS). The “Shoulder-fired Missile Reduction Act of 2006” (HR 5333), which already has 13 co-sponsors from both sides of the political aisle, contains provisions that would **Expand US stockpile […]

05.11.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Biosecurity Resource Update: new Legislation and Reports pages

FAS has added two new sections to its biosecurity resource page. The first section contains information and text on all US laws, pending legislation, and international treaties relating to biosecurity and bioterrorism. We have also launched a page that contains reports on various biosecurity issues from a wide variety of sources including the National Academies, […]

05.11.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
GAO report on anthrax vaccine production does not instill confidence

The Government Accountability Office released a progress report on the production of a safe effective vaccine against anthrax. We have posted copies of the May 9th report and the highlights on the FAS website. The report, like their past reports on this issue, cites continued disorganization on the part of the government. Namely, they note […]

05.10.06 | 1 min read
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