Publication Archive

Global Risk
United States Discloses Nuclear Warhead Numbers; Restores Nuclear Transparency

The Federation of American Scientists applauds the United States for declassifying the number of nuclear warheads in its military stockpile and the number of retired and dismantled warheads.

07.20.24 | 6 min read
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Global Risk
Press release
North Korean Nuclear Weapons, 2024: Federation of American Scientists Release Latest North Korea Nuclear Weapons Estimate

North Korea may have produced enough fissile material to build up to 90 nuclear warheads.

07.15.24 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Press release
Nuclear Experts from the Federation of American Scientists Call for More Transparency from the Defense Department with Its Decision to Certify the Sentinel ICBM Program

Secretary Austin’s likely certification of the Sentinel program should be open to public interrogation, and Congress must thoroughly examine whether every requirement is met before allowing the program to continue.

07.09.24 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Photo Depicts Potential Nuclear Mission for Pakistan’s JF-17 Aircraft

Researchers have many questions about the modernization of Pakistan’s nuclear-capable aircraft and associated air-launched cruise missiles.

07.01.24 | 7 min read
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Global Risk
We’re Entering a New Period, as Revealed by FAS Nuclear Arsenal Data Published in SIPRI Yearbook 2024

The SIPRI chapter describes the nuclear weapon modernization programs underway in each nuclear-armed state and provides estimates for how many nuclear warheads each country possesses.

06.17.24 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Press release
Nuclear Experts from the Federation of American Scientists Contribute to SIPRI Yearbook 2024

FAS researchers Hans Kristensen and Matt Korda with the Nuclear Information Project write in the new SIPRI Yearbook 2024, released today.

06.17.24 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Press release
America’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal 2024: Annual Overview Released by the Federation of American Scientists

The total number of U.S. nuclear warheads are now estimated to include 1,770 deployed warheads, 1,938 reserved for operational forces. An additional 1,336 retired warheads are awaiting dismantlement, for a total inventory of 5,044 warheads.

05.07.24 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Depot In Belarus Shows New Upgrades Possibly For Russian Nuclear Warhead Storage

A military depot in central Belarus has recently been upgraded with additional security perimeters and an access point that indicate it could be intended for housing Russian nuclear warheads for Belarus’ Russia-supplied Iskander missile launchers.

03.14.24 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Indian Test-Launch of MIRV Missile Latest Sign Of Emerging Nuclear Arms Race

The Indian government announced yesterday that it had conducted the first flight test of its Agni-5 ballistic missile “with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology.

03.12.24 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Details of Russia’s nuclear modernization are inconsistent with warnings of vast nuclear expansion

While many are rightly concerned about Russia’s development of new nuclear-capable systems, fears of substantial nuclear increase may be overblown.

03.11.24 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Press release
Nuclear Notebook: Russian nuclear forces, 2024

Despite modernization of Russian nuclear forces and warnings about an increase of especially shorter-range non-strategic warheads, we do not yet see such an increase as far as open sources indicate.

03.07.24 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Make Nukes History

Oppenheimer may win big at the Oscars as a story about the past; unfortunately, nuclear weapons are still an urgent threat to humanity.

03.06.24 | 2 min read
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