Publication Archive

Global Risk
Air-launched Ballistic Missiles

In 2018, Russia and China both tested an uncommon type of missile that flew a ballistic trajectory but could be launched from an aircraft. Air-launched ballistic missiles (ALBM) are just one curiosity at a time when many countries are rapidly expanding and upgrading their missile inventories, but the tests raised some understandable questions: Is this […]

11.07.19 | 1 min read
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“National Technical Means” Leaves the Lexicon

The venerable term “national technical means” which has long been used to refer to U.S. intelligence satellites and related capabilities is quietly dropping out of official usage. The official DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms still included “NTM” (for “national or multinational technical means of verification”) on the list of acronyms in its May […]

11.01.19 | 2 min read
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Combating Malicious Cyber Acts, Penny by Penny

Updated below The Department of the Treasury blocked one transaction by a foreign person or entity who was engaged in malicious cyber activities earlier this year, using the national emergency powers that are available pursuant to a 2015 executive order. But the value of the intercepted transaction was only $0.04, the Department said in a […]

10.24.19 | 2 min read
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Wyden Bill Requires Declassification, No Exceptions

A bill introduced by Senator Ron Wyden would require the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence to declassify “any and all information” regarding actions by the government of Saudi Arabia to assist Saudi nationals who are accused of crimes in the United States to flee the country. As Senator Wyden explained last week, the […]

10.24.19 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Urgent: Move US Nuclear Weapons Out Of Turkey

Should the U.S. Air Force withdraw the roughly 50 B61 nuclear bombs it stores at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey? The question has come to a head after Turkey’s invasion of Syria, Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian leadership and deepening discord with NATO, Trump’s inability to manage U.S. security interests in Europe and the Middle East, […]

10.16.19 | 9 min read
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Global Risk
New START Treaty Data Shows Treaty Keeping Lid On Strategic Nukes

The latest data on US and Russian strategic nuclear forces limited by the New START treaty shows the treaty is serving its intended purpose of keeping a lid on the two countries’ arsenals. The data was published by the State Department yesterday. Despite deteriorating relations and revival of “Great Power Competition” strategies, the data shows […]

10.04.19 | 6 min read
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Leakers May Be Worse Than Spies, Gov’t Says

One might presume that foreign spies do more damage to national security than those who leak classified information to the press. But the opposite could be true, government attorneys told a court this week, because the leaked information is circulated more widely. “While spies typically pass classified national defense information to a specific foreign government, […]

10.03.19 | 2 min read
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Falling Space Reactors: Assessing the Risk

A new NASA report examines various scenarios in which nuclear reactors that are used to power spacecraft could accidentally reenter the Earth’s atmosphere. “There are a number of types of reentry events that can potentially occur with missions containing fission reactors. Each type of reentry event can produce a variety of possible adverse environments for the […]

10.03.19 | 2 min read
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Impeachment Investigations: Law and Process (CRS)

The procedures that govern congressional impeachment investigations are largely left to the discretion of the House and, in the case of a trial, to the discretion of the Senate. A new publication from the Congressional Research Service summarizes the options. It “also describes some of the ways in which an impeachment investigation, as compared to a more […]

10.03.19 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Military Might Takes Center Stage at Chinese 70-Year Anniversary Parade

The Chinese leadership used the 70-year anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to display a dizzying amount of military hardware during a parade in Beijing (see officially narrated video here; higher-quality video is here. Beijing is rapidly becoming the new Red Square when it comes to military displays. On the nuclear […]

10.01.19 | 4 min read
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Defending Democracy in Ukraine

Persons who threaten democracy in Ukraine also represent a threat to the United States, according to a 2014 executive order issued by President Obama following Russia’s invasion and seizure of the Crimean region. In fact, the resulting threat to US national security and foreign policy is so severe as to constitute a “national emergency,” said Executive Order […]

09.24.19 | 1 min read
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Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protections (CRS)

Noteworthy new and updated publications from the Congressional Research Service include the following. Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protections: In Brief, updated September 23, 2019 U.S.-Iran Tensions and Implications for U.S. Policy, updated September 23, 2019 U.S. Role in the World: Background and Issues for Congress, updated September 23, 2019 U.N. Peacekeeping Operations in Africa, September 23, […]

09.24.19 | 1 min read
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