Publication Archive

New Military Doctrine

A new U.S. Air Force directive “provides policies for managing nuclear weapons and weapon systems, and for protecting personnel, property, and the environment from hazardous exposure to radioactive materials.” See Air Force Policy Directive 91-1, “Nuclear Weapons and Systems Surety” (pdf), 13 February 2007. Another new Air Force document on combating the threat or use […]

02.28.07 | 1 min read
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Selected CRS Reports

Analysts at the Congressional Research Service continue to churn out reports for Congress faster than they can reasonably be digested. Not all of them are of broad interest, nor do they consistently offer original content or significant analytical insight. But as long as Congress refuses to make them available online to the general public, there […]

02.28.07 | 1 min read
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Declassification Board Weighs Intel Budget Disclosure

The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB), an advisory body whose members were appointed by the President and the Congress, held its eleventh meeting on February 24 to receive public input on potential improvements to national security classification and declassification policy. Much of the session was devoted to discussion of whether the annual intelligence budget total […]

02.26.07 | 2 min read
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Selected CRS Reports

Some recent reports of the Congressional Research Service that have not previously been made readily available in the public domain include the following (all pdf). “Climate Change: Science and Policy Implications,” January 25, 2007. “Foreign Science and Engineering Presence in U.S. Institutions and the Labor Force,” updated January 12, 2007. “U.S. Military Dispositions: Fact Sheet,” […]

02.26.07 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Divine Strake Experiment Canceled

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency announced today that it has canceled the controversial Divine Strake experiment. A 700 tons chemical explosion at the Nevada Test Site was intended to provide data for calibration of nuclear and conventional weapons against underground targets. Local fear that the explosion would kick up and disperse radioactive material from the […]

02.22.07 | 1 min read
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Government Access to Phone Records, and More from CRS

The statutes that enable the government to gain legal access to telephone records, whether for law enforcement or intelligence purposes, are examined in a newly updated report (pdf) from the Congressional Research Service. The report also discusses prohibitions on access to, or disclosure of, such records, along with exceptions to the prohibitions. See “Government Access […]

02.22.07 | 1 min read
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Various Resources

In a new study (pdf), the Coalition of Journalists for Open Government says that federal agencies have made little progress in improving their Freedom of Information Act programs, despite a year-old executive order directing them to become more requester friendly. The JASON defense science advisory panel released a slightly revised unclassified summary (pdf) of its […]

02.22.07 | 1 min read
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Ruling in AIPAC Case Interprets Espionage Act Narrowly

In the unprecedented prosecution of two former officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a federal court last year upheld the government’s controversial claim that the Espionage Act could be used to prosecute the unauthorized receipt and transmittal of classified information by private citizens who are not engaged in espionage. But as the […]

02.20.07 | 3 min read
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New IC Directive on Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence analysis “must be objective and independent of political considerations,” according to a new “capstone” directive (pdf) issued by the Director of National Intelligence. The directive establishes the policy framework for intelligence analysis and defines a set of methodological standards and expectations, with an emphasis on inter-agency collaboration and outreach. “The IC will seldom have […]

02.20.07 | 1 min read
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Selected CRS Reports

Some recently updated reports of the Congressional Research Service that are not readily available in the public domain include the following (all pdf). “U.S. Foreign Aid to East and South Asia: Selected Recipients,” updated January 3, 2007. “NATO’s Prague Capabilities Commitment,” updated January 24, 2007. “Ballistic Missile Defense: Historical Overview,” updated January 5, 2007. “Islamic […]

02.20.07 | 2 min read
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Notable New CRS Reports

Some recent Congressional Research Service reports obtained by Secrecy News that are not readily available in the public domain include the following (all pdf). “Sharing Law Enforcement and Intelligence Information: The Congressional Role,” February 13, 2007. “India-U.S. Relations,” updated February 13, 2007. “Changes to the OMB Regulatory Review Process by Executive Order 13422,” February 5, […]

02.16.07 | 1 min read
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Other New Resources

The average amount of time required by the government to conduct a background investigation and process a security clearance application has been around one year for a Top Secret clearance and 5 to 6 months for a Secret or Confidential clearance, which is “a totally unacceptable length of time,” according to a new report to […]

02.16.07 | 1 min read
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