1967 Hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Declassified transcripts of dozens of closed hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1967 have now been published.
The hearings feature testimony by Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms and other Johnson Administration officials on Soviet nuclear weapons policy, anti-ballistic missiles, Vietnam, the Middle East, and other topics of contemporary concern.
See “Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Together with Joint Sessions with the Senate Armed Services Committee (Historical Series),” Volume XIX, 1967, made public in 2007.
Analyzing NEPA outcomes isn’t just an academic exercise; it’s an essential step for eliminating the biggest hurdles of the environmental review process.
Without market-shaping interventions, federal and state subsidies for energy-efficient products like heat pumps often lead to higher prices, leaving the overall market worse off when rebates end.
FAS believes the resolution is a necessary advancement of scientific understanding of the devastating consequences of a nuclear war.
Changing how the program educates, funds, and assesses agencies will build internal capacity and deliver continuous improvement.