Publication Archive

Global Risk
Press release
FAS Introduces Fall 2020 Scoville Fellow

The Federation of American Scientists is pleased to introduce Fall 2020 Scoville Fellow, Ishan Sharma. The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, established in 1987, is a highly-competitive national program that provides recent college and graduate school alumni with the opportunity to work on key issues of peace and security in Washington, D.C. Ishan will be […]

09.22.20 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
(The Other) Red Storm Rising: INDO-PACOM China Military Projection

Some Missile Numbers Do Not Match Recent DOD China Report U.S. Indo-Pacific Command recently gave a briefing about the challenges the command sees in the region. The briefing says China is the “Greatest Threat to Global Order and Stability” and presents a set of maps that portray a massive Chinese military buildup and very little […]

09.15.20 | 10 min read
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Global Risk
Global enthusiasm and American trepidation in Russian diplomatic vaccine efforts

Key Highlights Key Trends Increased language specific activity linked to Russian vaccine partnerships Since the announcement of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine on August 11, social media has been awash with speculation, consternation, and detestation of the untested vaccine. The vaccine was immediately turned into a political talking point, with accounts like @ImpeachmentHour, unfoundedly, claiming “Trump says […]

09.02.20 | 6 min read
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Global Risk
The Pentagon’s 2020 China Report

(With table corrected for typos) The Pentagon has just released its long-awaited 2020 version of its annual report on China’s military developments. In this article, we review the elements concerning China’s nuclear forces. The Size of the Warhead Stockpile The biggest surprise in the new report is that it for the first time provides DOD’s […]

09.01.20 | 9 min read
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Global Risk
Over the Line: The Implications of China’s ADIZ Intrusions in Northeast Asia

This report uses data gathered from multilingual sources to explore China’s motivations behind its systematic ADIZ intrusions as well as the implications for Japanese, South Korean, Taiwanese, and U.S. forces operating in Northeast Asia. 

08.17.20 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Weekly COVID-19 Disinformation Report for August 14: #Plandemic to #Scamdemic

Key Highlights Key Trends Virology Journal article linked to claim that Dr. Fauci knew HCQ is a cure.A false claim states that in 2005, Dr. Fauci said that hydroxychloroquine is both “a cure and a vaccine” for coronavirus, referencing a 2005-published study. This article showed the effectiveness of chloroquine against classic SARS, SARS-CoV, in vitro (cells […]

08.14.20 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 75 Years After

Seventy-five years later, we commemorate the nuclear attacks and the unspeakable human suffering they inflicted, which remind us of the uniquely destructive capability of nuclear weapons and the importance of ensuring that they are never used in anger again.

08.05.20 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
75 Years Ago: The Trinity Nuclear Test

The first ever nuclear detonation––known as the Trinity test––took place in New Mexico on July 16th, 1945. In the decades that followed, nuclear testing contaminated lands, oceans, and people, and triggered a nuclear arms race that continues to this day.

07.16.20 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Weekly COVID-19 Disinformation Report for July 20: Masks, microchips, Michigan, and misinformation

Key Highlights Key Trends Ongoing conspiracy theories regarding mask use A video on Twitter claiming that the metal wire in store-bought face masks are 5G antennas received 1.3 million views and 14.7K Retweets and Comments. Another video followed the same pattern of conspiracy theories denouncing mask use as harmful or a systematic and “deep state” effort to control the public. Other […]

07.07.20 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Press release
Hans Kristensen: Great Immigrant, Great American

The Federation of American Scientists is proud to announce that Hans Kristensen, Nuclear Information Project director, is honored as a Carnegie Corporation of New York 2020 Great Immigrant, Great American. The Great Immigrant, Great American initiative is a tribute to its namesake, the Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, and recognizes American immigrants who have […]

07.01.20 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
The State Department’s Compliance Report Plays the Blame Game, Despite Offering Little Evidence

The Trump administration clearly sees the Compliance Report as a tool to provide justification for shedding treaties.

06.24.20 | 11 min read
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Global Risk
day one project
Policy Memo
Combating Digital Disinformation: Resisting Foreign Influence Operations through Federal Policy

A two-part plan for federal action to thwart political disinformation efforts and preserve the sanctity of the American political process.

04.11.20 | 1 min read
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