Publication Archive

Global Risk
day one project
Policy Memo
The Lunar and Asteroid Task Force Initiative

The Federal Government should launch a task force to promote and achieve U.S. private space exploration on the Moon and on asteroids.

12.07.20 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Trump Administration Again Refuses To Disclose Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Size

The Trump administration has denied a request from the Federation of American Scientists to disclose the size of the US nuclear weapons stockpile and the number of dismantled warheads.

12.03.20 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
USAF Plans To Expand Nuclear Bomber Bases

The US Air Force is working to expand the number of strategic bomber bases that can store nuclear weapons from two today to five by the 2030s. The plan will also significantly expand the number of bomber bases that store nuclear cruise missiles from one base today to all five bombers bases by the 2030s.

11.17.20 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
day one project
Policy Memo
A National Strategy to Counter COVID-19 Misinformation

The next administration should establish an office at the Dept. of Health and Human Services dedicated to combating COVID-19 misinformation.

11.05.20 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Environmental Assessment Reveals New Details About the Air Force’s ICBM Replacement Plan

Any time a US federal agency proposes a major action that “has the potential to cause significant effects on the natural or human environment,” they must complete an Environmental Impact Statement, or EIS. An EIS typically addresses potential disruptions to water supplies, transportation, socioeconomics, geology, air quality, and other factors in great detail––meaning that one […]

11.03.20 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Social Media Conversations in Support of Herd Immunity are Driven by Bots

Key highlights Online debate surrounding herd immunity shows one-sided automation For months, debates about so-called herd immunity have occurred internationally. The idea behind this herd immunity strategy is to shield vulnerable populations while allowing COVID-19 transmission to go uncontrolled among less vulnerable populations. This strategy has been dismissed by many scientists for several ethical and […]

10.30.20 | 6 min read
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Global Risk
US Officials Give Confusing Comparisons Of US And Russian Nuclear Forces

In their effort to paint the New START treaty as insufficient and a bad deal for the United States and its allies, Trump administration official have recently made statements suggesting the treaty limits the US nuclear arsenal more than it limits the Russian arsenal.

10.22.20 | 8 min read
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Global Risk
Most Covid Related Disinformation on Social Media Likely Emanating from Known Influencers and Traditional Media Sources

Key Highlights Top COVID Related Messages on Social by Reach and Engagement We conducted an  assessment of  COVID related messaging on Twitter in the past week (Oct 6th-12th),  covering conversations regarding vaccines, masks, treatment, and public health responses. The results indicate traditional media reporting by established news sources such as the New York Times and President Donald […]

10.21.20 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
day one project
Policy Memo
Creating a COVID-19 Commission on Public Health Misinformation

The next administration should create a high-level COVID-19 Commission on Public Health Misinformation.

10.14.20 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
At 11th Hour, New START Data Reaffirms Importance of Extending Treaty

Just four months before the New START treaty is set to expire, the latest set of so-called aggregate data published by the State Department shows the treaty is working and that both countries – despite tense military and political rhetoric – are keeping their vast strategic nuclear arsenals within the limits of the treaty. The […]

10.01.20 | 7 min read
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Global Risk
Construction of New Underground Nuclear Warhead Facility At Warren AFB

The Air Force has begun construction of a new underground nuclear weapons storage and handling facility at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The new Weapons Storage and Maintenance Facility (WSMF; sometimes called Weapons Generation Facility), which will replace the current Weapons Storage Area (WSA), will be a 90,000-square-foot reinforced concrete and earth-covered facility with supporting surface structures.

09.28.20 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Vaccine news stories hosting malware disseminated across Spanish-language Twitter

Key Highlights Malware hosted within popular news stories about COVID-19 vaccine trials On September 8, 2020 Oxford University and AstraZeneca placed their COVID-19 vaccine (AZD1222) development on hold.  During Phase 3 trials, a woman in the United Kingdom experienced an adverse neurological condition consistent with a rare spinal inflammatory disorder known as transverse myelitis. As […]

09.23.20 | 5 min read
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