Publication Archive

Global Risk
CTBT ratification and fact-twisting arguments

By: Alicia Godsberg On Friday, February 5 the EastWest Institute (EWI) held a seminar at their office in New York to discuss its recently released report on the CTBT, entitled, “The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: New Technology, New Prospects?” Speaking at the event for the pro-CTBT ratification camp was Ambassador Robert T. Grey, Jr. (Director, […]

03.04.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Jin SSBN Flashes its Tubes

One of China’s two Jin-class SSBNs with two open missile tubes. Click for larger image. . By Hans M. Kristensen One of China’s two new Jin-class SSBNs was photographed with two of its 12 missile tubes open when it visited Xiaopingdao Naval Base in March 2009. The Jins are being readied to carry the JL-2, […]

03.03.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Changing the Nuclear Posture: moving smartly without leaping

Release of the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is delayed once again.  Originally due late last year, in part so it could inform the on-going negotiations on the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Follow-on (START-FO), after a couple of delays it was supposed to be released today, 1 March, but last week word got out that it […]

03.02.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Obama and the Nuclear War Plan

The current U.S. strategic war plan is directed against six adversaries. Guess who. . By Hans M. Kristensen While the completion of the Obama administration’s Nuclear Posture Review continues to slide, FAS today published an issue paper on how a decision to reduce the role of nuclear weapons might influence the U.S. strategic war plan. […]

02.25.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Missile Watch – February 2010

Missile Watch A publication of the FAS Arms Sales Monitoring Project Vol. 3, Issue 1 February 2010 Editor: Matt Schroeder Contributing Author: Matt Buongiorno Graphics: Alexis Paige Contents: Global Overview Afghanistan: No recent discoveries of shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles in insurgent arms caches Eritrea: UN slaps arms embargo on major missile proliferator Iraq: Fewer public reports […]

02.22.10 | 22 min read
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Global Risk
Nuclear Posture Review to Reduce Regional Role of Nuclear Weapons

The Quadrennial Deference Review forecasts reduction in regional role of nuclear weapons. By Hans M. Kristensen A little-noticed section of the Quadrennial Defense Review recently published by the Pentagon suggests that that the Obama administration’s forthcoming Nuclear Posture Review will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in regional scenarios. The apparent reduction coincides with a […]

02.22.10 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Kleine Brogel Nukes: Not There, Over Here!

  The U.S. Air Force’s 701 Munitions Support Squadron at Kleine Brogel Air Base must protect and handle the nuclear weapons at the base.   An astounding statement by a Belgian defense official has pointed an unexpected light on the apparent location of nuclear weapons at the Kleine Brogel Air Base in Belgium. After a […]

02.13.10 | 6 min read
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Global Risk
US Nuclear Weapons Site in Europe Breached

Peace activists walked one kilometer onto a US nuclear weapons storage site in Belgium for more than one hour before security personnel reacted. Click image for larger version. (For an update to this map, go here) . By Hans M. Kristensen A group of people last week managed to penetrate deep onto Kleine Brogel Air Base […]

02.04.10 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Flight Testing a Centrifuge

On 13 January, Ivanka Barzashka and I gave a briefing at the AAAS on our work regarding Iran’s uranium enrichment capacity.  Joshua Pollack also gave a briefing, which he has described.  Joshua’s analysis is thorough and interesting but I think I would use a different distinction than the “actual” and “nominal” values that he defines. […]

02.04.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Japanese Government Rejects TLAM/N Claim

Katsuya Okada and Hillary Clinton met in September 2009. By Hans M. Kristensen The Japanese government has officially rejected claims made by some that Japan is opposed to the United States retiring the nuclear Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile (TLAM/N). The final report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States from May […]

01.24.10 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Russian Nuclear Forces 2010

Russia’s Teykovo 4 missile garrison northeast of Moscow is undergoing major upgrades for new SS-27 mobile nuclear missiles. Click image for large illustration of the changes. . By Hans M. Kristensen The latest overview of Russia’s nuclear forces produced by Robert Norris from NRDC and myself is now available on the website of the Bulletin of […]

01.12.10 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Issue Brief
Eight Recommendations for Improving Transparency in US Arms Transfers

Transparency is essential for effective congressional and public oversight of arms exports. Without complete and accurate data on the quantity, type and recipients of exported defense articles and services, it is impossible to assess the extent to which arms transfers further national security and foreign policy.

01.08.10 | 1 min read
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