Publication Archive

Global Risk
Documentary “Paths to Zero” Premiering at the NPT RevCon

by: Alicia Godsberg On Tuesday May 11 FAS will be premiering our documentary, “Paths to Zero,” at the United Nations during the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT RevCon).  The screening will be part of FAS’s official UN Office of Disarmament Affairs side event for […]

04.26.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
U.S. Defense Department sold more than $15 billion in arms in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2009, report reveals

By Matt Schroeder Arms sold by the Defense Department to foreign recipients totaled more than $15 billion in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2009, according to a report obtained by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). The quarterly report, which is dated February 2009 and is required by Section 36(a) of the Arms Export […]

04.23.10 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Second Chinese Naval Demagnetization Facility Spotted

Click image for large version . By Hans M. Kristensen The Chinese navy has constructed what appears to be a demagnetization facility near an East Sea Fleet submarine base. The facility is the second spotted at Chinese naval bases since 2008. Chinese Naval Demagnetization Facilities The new demagnetization facility is located less than 10 km […]

04.19.10 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Issue Brief
The Twenty Percent Solution: Breaking the Iranian Stalemate

President Obama’s deadline to address concerns about Tehran’s nuclear program passed at the end of 2009, so the White House is moving to harsher sanctions. But the U.S. is having trouble rallying the needed international support because Iranian intentions remain ambiguous.

04.16.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
What’s Wrong with What’s Wrong with the Nuclear Posture Review

On Tuesday, the Secretary of Defense released the new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).  I was quite disappointed in the document, thinking it is timid and gradualist.   So you can imagine how distracting it is when I am part way through writing a blog trashing the new doctrine for not going far enough that I see […]

04.11.10 | 9 min read
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Global Risk
Twenty Percent Solution: Breaking the Iranian Stalemate

by Ivanka Barzashka and Ivan Oelrich Iran and the rest of the world are stalemated. Obama’s deadline for Tehran to address concerns about its nuclear program passed at the end of 2009, so the White House is moving to harsher sanctions. But the US is having trouble rallying the needed international support because Iranian intentions […]

04.09.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
The Nuclear Posture Review

The Nuclear Posture Review enshrines nuclear disarmament as a real goal for U.S. nuclear weapons policy for the first time. By Hans M. Kristensen It’s finally here! Hot off the press after a three months delay. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the United States has published a Nuclear Posture […]

04.08.10 | 12 min read
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Global Risk
The Revelation of Fordow+10: What Does It Mean?

by Ivanka Barzashka According to a recent article by the New York Times, Western intelligence agencies and international inspectors now “suspect that Tehran is preparing to build more [enrichment] sites”. This revelation, according to the newspaper, comes at a “crucial moment in the White House’s attempts to impose tough new sanctions against Iran.” However, these […]

04.01.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Hardly a Jump START

Four months past a “deadline” imposed by the expiration of the old START treaty and amid much fanfare, President Obama announced that he and Russian President Medvedev had agreed on a new arms control treaty.  I am not as excited as most are about the treaty and much of the following might be interpreted as […]

03.29.10 | 9 min read
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Global Risk
New START Treaty Has New Counting

An important new treaty reduces the limit for deployed strategic warheads but not the number. By Hans M. Kristensen The White House has announced that it has reached agreement with Russia on the New START Treaty. Although some of the documents still have to be finished, a White House fact sheet describes that the treaty […]

03.29.10 | 8 min read
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Global Risk
Judging the Mood at the IAEA

by Ivanka Barzashka and Ivan Oelrich The latest IAEA report on Iran has been widely touted as containing new evidence of Iranian weapons work and as a sign of the Agency’s new hard-line attitude toward the Islamic Republic under its new Director General Yukiya Amano. We believe the document has been seriously misrepresented in the […]

03.22.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Testing the No-New-Nuclear-Weapons Pledge

The Air Force is considering a replacement for the nuclear air-launched cruise missile. Will the NPR agree or adhere to Barack Obama’s no-new-nuclear-weapons pledge? . By Hans M. Kristensen [updated March 18, 2010] One of the important tests of Obama Administration’s nuclear nonproliferation policy will be whether the long-delayed Nuclear Posture Review will approve new […]

03.09.10 | 4 min read
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