Publication Archive

Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Establishing the White House Council on Disabilities

The 61 million adults in the United States living with a disability deserve to engage with the world on their own terms.

05.12.21 | 1 min read
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Nominee for OSTP director – Dr. Eric Lander – sees key federal role for creating and sharing synthetic biology toolkits, best practices

The field of synthetic biology has enormous potential for constructively impacting society, already contributing products such as drugs, food ingredients, and living fertilizers. As the field continues to develop, standardization of synthetic biology tools, techniques, and processes could help realize that potential. The rapid growth of the semiconductor industry in the 20th century, and its […]

05.11.21 | 5 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Re-envisioning Reporting of Scientific Methods

Publication of detailed scientific methodologies can save researchers time and money, and can accelerate the pace of research.

05.06.21 | 1 min read
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Press release
FAS Announces Organ Procurement Organization Innovation Cohort

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), with financial support from Schmidt Futures, announced that six organ procurement organizations (OPOs) have joined the FAS Organ Procurement Organization Innovation Cohort, committing to use data science and transparency to accelerate improved patient outcomes and to inform ongoing, data-driven policy development.  This follows the finalization […]

05.04.21 | 3 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Meeting Biology’s “Sputnik Moment”

Biology is becoming a defining technology of the modern era, and is expected to contribute nearly 1.1. million jobs to the US by 2030.

04.28.21 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
A National Commitment to Post-Graduate Education in Information Technology

The Administration should address pressing IT talent shortages while empowering Americans to participate in the IT economy.

04.27.21 | 2 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
A Proposal to Amplify Youth Voices in STEM

A robust STEM ecosystem is imperative to our country’s national security, international leadership, and economic recovery from COVID-19.

04.23.21 | 1 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Reduce Disaster Costs by Better Tracking Health Impacts of Wildfire Smoke

The Biden-Harris Administration should address this gap by establishing a national public record of wildfire-smoke health impact.

04.22.21 | 1 min read
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A Self-Correcting Classification System?

Those persons who have authorized access to classified information that they believe is improperly classified are “encouraged and expected” to challenge the classification of that information (Executive Order 13526, section 1.8). Sometimes they do. And every once in a while, their challenges lead to declassification of the information. A new report from the Government Accountability […]

04.20.21 | 3 min read
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Emerging Technology
Increasing equity and accessibility of research funds can help secure U.S. leadership in science

Just a small group of nationally-ranked universities are awarded the majority of federal research funding. In 2018, a study found that out of more than 600 colleges and universities that received federal funding for science and engineering research, about 22 percent received over 90 percent of the funds. The equity and accessibility of these funds […]

04.16.21 | 4 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Rebooting the American Dream: Challenge Grants for Emerging Innovation Ecosystems

By supporting bottom-up, place-based investment and building a network of new ideas, the Administration can foster American dynamism.

04.12.21 | 2 min read
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A Resurgence of Democracy in 2040?

The world will be “increasingly out of balance and contested at every level” over the next twenty years due to the pressures of demographic, environmental, economic and technological change, a new forecast from the National Intelligence Council called Global Trends 2040 said last week. But among the mostly grim possible futures that can be plausibly anticipated […]

04.12.21 | 4 min read
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