Publication Archive

FAS Asks Court to Compel NRO Compliance with FOIA

The Federation of American Scientists yesterday asked (pdf) a federal court to enforce a court order directing the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) to process a Freedom of Information Act request for unclassified budget information after the NRO said it had “decided” not to do so. In a July 24, 2006 order, D.C. District Judge Reggie […]

12.19.06 | 1 min read
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Govt Withdraws Subpoena Against ACLU

Last week it emerged that the Department of Justice had adopted the unprecedented tactic of employing a subpoena in order to recover copies of a classified document that had been provided without authorization to the American Civil Liberties Union. Yesterday, in a swift and somewhat farcical conclusion to the controversy, the government withdrew the subpoena […]

12.19.06 | 1 min read
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Counterinsurgency Manual Flies Off the Shelf

The new Army Field Manual on Counterinsurgency doctrine has been downloaded from the Federation of American Scientists web site at an extraordinary rate — more than 250,000 times since it was posted on Friday morning. But unlike previous drafts obtained by Secrecy News, the new manual is no secret. It has been published and actively […]

12.19.06 | 1 min read
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Stray Bits from the Congressional Research Service

“Bosnia and the European Union Military Force (EUFOR): Post-NATO Peacekeeping” (pdf), updated December 5, 2006. “Mad Cow Disease and U.S. Beef Trade” (pdf), updated December 6, 2006.

12.19.06 | 1 min read
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The Grandeur of Error Correction

On December 17 the New York Times published a correction of a December 3 Times story which said that polonium-210 had been used to power U.S. spacecraft after a December 14 Secrecy News story showed that the claim was almost certainly incorrect: “An article on Dec. 3 about the many uses of polonium 210 referred […]

12.19.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Entrenched Views of the Defense Science Board

Hans Kristensen has just posted an excellent analysis of the new Defense Science Board (DSB) report Nuclear Capabilities. The report presents what is known to the military as a “target rich environment” so we might make a few more comments over the next couple of days. I want to focus here on the section, starting […]

12.15.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
U.S. Nuclear Posture at a Crossroad, Defense Science Board Says

The Defense Science Board concludes in a new report that the United States has lost its “national consensus” on what the nation’s nuclear deterrent should look like and the role it should serve. The consensus has been replaced by an “entrenchment” of “sharp differences” of opinion. Therefore, urgent action is needed by the White House […]

12.15.06 | 4 min read
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Army Counterinsurgency Doctrine Charts a New Course

The U.S. Army has completed a long-awaited new manual (large pdf) presenting military doctrine on counterinsurgency. It is the first revision of counterinsurgency doctrine in twenty years. In several respects, the new doctrine implicitly repudiates the Bush Administration’s approach to the war in Iraq. “Conducting a successful counterinsurgency campaign requires a flexible, adaptive force led […]

12.15.06 | 1 min read
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DSB Report Warns of Uncertainty in U.S. Nuclear Capabilities

There is an urgent need to reach consensus on how to configure the future U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, says a new report (pdf) of the Defense Science Board (DSB). “We are already late in addressing [stockpile] needs and the current pace of progress in defining, approving, and implementing the needed capabilities is not encouraging.” The […]

12.15.06 | 1 min read
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Govt Subpoenas ACLU to Recover Classified Document

Updated Below: Government attorneys reached deep into their legal bag of tricks to devise a subpoena (pdf) against the American Civil Liberties Union demanding “any and all copies” of a classified document that was leaked to the ACLU in October. Questioned by an ACLU attorney as to the authority for this demand, a government attorney […]

12.14.06 | 2 min read
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CRS on Reliable Replacement Warhead, and More

In considering the future of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, the government must decide between two basic courses of action, explains a new report (pdf) from the Congressional Research Service: either it must seek to extend the functional lifetime of existing nuclear weapons, or it must develop a new generation of warheads. The CRS report […]

12.14.06 | 1 min read
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Polonium and the History of Space Nuclear Power

Updated Below When the New York Times mentioned in passing recently that polonium-210 had once been used to power U.S. spacecraft, it caused a furrowing of the brow among the seven or so people who dwell on the history of space nuclear power, since it is almost certainly not correct. “President Eisenhower, eager to promote […]

12.14.06 | 3 min read
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