Publication Archive

McCain Admits Possibility of Good “Leaks”

Some unauthorized disclosures of classified information in the press can serve a constructive purpose, Sen. John McCain allowed. And so he expressed support for a pending press “shield” law that would increase reporters’ legal protection against compulsory disclosure of their confidential sources. “Despite concerns I have about the legislation, I have narrowly decided to support […]

04.16.08 | 2 min read
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Nieman Reports: 21st Century Muckrakers

The latest edition of Nieman Reports, the quarterly magazine of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, is devoted to the subject of “21st Century Muckrakers: Who Are They? How Do They Do Their Work?” It’s a meaty and highly readable issue. I contributed a piece on “Secrecy vs. Citizenship.” Ted Gup, author of the […]

04.16.08 | 1 min read
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Senate Mulls Changes in Intelligence Oversight

The Senate Intelligence Committee has recommended creation of a new Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Intelligence to prepare the annual intelligence budget. “The [proposed] Subcommittee on Intelligence shall appropriate all funds for the National Intelligence Program (NIP) (as opposed to the current situation where appropriations for the NIP are fragmented among several subcommittees within the Appropriations […]

04.14.08 | 2 min read
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Iraq War Casualties, and More from CRS

Noteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public include the following (all pdf). “Tibet: Problems, Prospects, and U.S. Policy,” April 10, 2008. “Judicial Review of Removal Orders,” April 10, 2008. “Avatars, Virtual Reality Technology, and the U.S. Military: Emerging Policy Issues,” April 9, 2008. “International […]

04.14.08 | 1 min read
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U.S. Intelligence Agencies Rethink Classification Policy

U.S. intelligence agencies have embarked upon a process to develop a uniform classification policy and a single classification guide that could be used by the entire U.S. intelligence community, according to a newly obtained report (pdf) from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The way that intelligence agencies classify information is not only […]

04.10.08 | 2 min read
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State Department Reveals 2009 Intelligence Budget Request

The U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) is among the most highly regarded members of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Not coincidentally, it is also among the most open and accessible. In particular, it is one of the only Intelligence Community organizations that regularly publishes its budget (pdf). (The FBI also discloses much […]

04.10.08 | 1 min read
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Some Classified DoD Assets Are Too Secret to Protect

In a stark illustration of how secrecy may undermine rather than reinforce security, the Government Accountability Office found that the Department of Defense has omitted many of its most sensitive assets from critical infrastructure protection planning because they are too secret to be identified. “DOD has not taken adequate steps to ensure that highly sensitive […]

04.09.08 | 1 min read
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House Dems Warn DHS on Domestic Intelligence Program

The Department of Homeland Security has not adequately addressed the civil liberties concerns associated with the new National Applications Office (NAO) that would promote the use of intelligence capabilities such as overhead surveillance for homeland security and other domestic purposes, three Democratic Congressmen said this week. “Turning America’s spy satellites on the homeland for domestic […]

04.09.08 | 2 min read
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Collapse of Bee Colonies Explained?

Updated/Corrected below The cause of the mysterious deaths of large numbers of honey bees across the United States that began in 2006 has apparently been discovered. Scientists from the Army’s Edgewood Chemical Biological Center and the University of California at San Francisco identified both a virus and a parasite that are associated with the massive […]

04.09.08 | 1 min read
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National Freedom of Information Conference

Freedom of Information Act practitioners and advocates will gather in Philadelphia on May 9-10 to compare notes and exchange views at the National Freedom of Information Coalition 2008 FOI Summit.

04.09.08 | 1 min read
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The Case of Matthew Diaz

Last year, U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Diaz was convicted of unlawfully disclosing classified information to an unauthorized person, after he provided the names of prisoners secretly held in military detention at Guantanamo Bay to a civil rights organization. He was sentenced to six months in prison and ordered discharged from the Navy. Last week, […]

04.07.08 | 2 min read
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The Changing Face of Espionage in America

Financial incentives and external coercion play a diminishing role in motivating Americans to spy against the United States, according to a new Defense Department study (pdf). But divided loyalties are increasingly evident in recent espionage cases. “Two thirds of American spies since 1990 have volunteered. Since 1990, spying has not paid well: 80% of spies […]

04.07.08 | 1 min read
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