Publication Archive

Combating Fraud Through Law, & More from CRS

Noteworthy new publications from the Congressional Research Service include the following. Bribery, Kickbacks, and Self-Dealing: An Overview of Honest Services Fraud and Issues for Congress, January 30, 2019 China’s Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S. Agricultural Products, CRS In Focus, January 29, 2019 New Law Requires Agencies to Report on Outstanding IG Recommendations, CRS Insight, January 30, 2019 Potential […]

01.30.19 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Chinese DF-26 Missile Launchers Deploy To New Missile Training Area

[Updated Jan 31, 2019] Earlier this month, the Chinese government outlet Global Times published a report that a People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) unit with the new DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile had carried out an exercise in the “Northwest China’s plateau and desert areas.” The article made vague references to a program previously aired on […]

01.21.19 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Mixed Messages On Trump’s Missile Defense Review

President Trump personally released the long-overdue Missile Defense Review today, and despite the document’s assertion that “Missile Defenses are Stabilizing,” the MDR promotes a posture that is anything but.

01.17.19 | 4 min read
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CIA Historical Review Panel Put on Hiatus

The Historical Review Panel that advises the Central Intelligence Agency on declassification of historical intelligence records said this week that its planned December 2018 meeting was canceled by CIA, and that no future meetings were scheduled. But CIA said yesterday that the Panel would be reconvened following some administrative changes. “We have recently been informed […]

01.17.19 | 2 min read
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More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs

The Defense Intelligence Agency disclosed this week that it had funded research on warp drive, invisibility cloaking, and other areas of fringe or speculative science and engineering as part of a now-defunct program to track and identify threats from space. From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent $22 million on the activity, formally known as […]

01.17.19 | 2 min read
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JASON Endorses Further Fusion Power Research

The JASON scientific advisory panel cautiously endorsed further research into what is known as Magneto-Inertial Fusion (MIF) as a step towards achieving fusion-generated electricity. “Magneto-Inertial Fusion (MIF) is a physically plausible approach to studying controlled thermonuclear fusion in a region of parameter space that is less explored than Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) or Magnetic Confinement Fusion (MCF).” […]

01.17.19 | 2 min read
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Can the Defense Department Build a Border Wall?

If the President were to declare a national emergency in order to justify building a “wall” on the border with Mexico, there would be certain legal authorities that he could invoke to initiate construction operations. But the scope of those legal authorities is uncertain and would almost certainly trigger litigation to challenge their application, the Congressional […]

01.14.19 | 2 min read
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Trump Says DoD IG Reports Should Be “Private”

The recurring dispute over the appropriate degree of secrecy in the Department of Defense arose in a new form last week when President Trump said that certain audits and investigations that are performed by the DoD Inspector General should no longer be made public. “We’re fighting wars, and they’re doing reports and releasing it to […]

01.07.19 | 3 min read
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Defense Primers, and More from CRS

“The President does not need the concurrence of either his military advisors or the U.S. Congress to order the launch of nuclear weapons,” the Congressional Research Service reminded readers last month in an updated “defense primer” on “Command and Control of Nuclear Forces.” The CRS defense primer series consists of two-page introductions to a variety […]

01.07.19 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Report of the International Study Group on North Korea Policy

The FAS International Study Group on North Korea Policy convened to develop a strategy toward a North Korea that will in all likelihood remain nuclear-armed and under the control of the Kim family for the next two decades. The composition of the group reflects a conviction that a sustainable and realistic strategy must draw on […]

01.04.19 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Israel’s Official Map Replaces Military Bases with Fake Farms and Deserts

Israel has deleted several military facilities from its official map by replacing them with fake farms, deserts, or paint splotches.

12.17.18 | 3 min read
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New Pre-Publication Review Policy is Coming

Two years ago, the House Intelligence Committee asked the Director of National Intelligence to improve the government’s controversial policy on reviewing books, articles and speeches by current and former intelligence employees prior to their publication, so as to make the process more uniform, timely and fair. That has still not been accomplished, but a new […]

12.12.18 | 2 min read
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