Publication Archive

Waiting for a Ruling in the AIPAC Case

In the near future a federal court will decide whether the prosecution of two former officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for allegedly mishandling classified information can proceed, or whether it must be dismissed on First Amendment grounds. It will be a fateful decision either way. If the prosecution is permitted to […]

06.05.06 | 2 min read
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Managing WMD Civil Support Teams

In the event of an attack against the United States involving weapons of mass destruction, National Guard units known as WMD civil support teams (CST) would be called upon to respond. “The mission of the WMD CST is to support civil authorities at a domestic CBRNE [chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive] incident site […]

06.05.06 | 1 min read
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Disposal of Chemical Weapons in the Ocean, and More (CRS)

(Updated Below) “The U.S. Armed Forces disposed of chemical weapons in the ocean from World War I through 1970,” the Congressional Research Service recalled in a valuable new report (pdf). “At that time, it was thought that the vastness of ocean waters would absorb chemical agents that may leak from these weapons. However, public concerns […]

06.05.06 | 2 min read
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The Case of Thomas Butler: The Last Chapter

The prosecution of Thomas C. Butler, the distinguished scientist who was convicted in 2004 of exporting plague bacteria to Tanzania without proper authorization and of various contract violations, came to a final conclusion last month when the U.S. Supreme Court denied his petition (pdf) to review the matter. Yet the Butler case may endure as […]

06.02.06 | 2 min read
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Selected Agency Declassification Plans

In his 1995 executive order 12958, President Clinton directed that most historically valuable classified records be automatically declassified as they become 25 years old. The onset of this automatic declassification process was deferred repeatedly, but it was affirmed in principle by President Bush in his 2003 executive order 13292, and the initial phase of the […]

06.02.06 | 1 min read
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JAG Handbook on National Security Litigation

The legal issues and security procedures involved in litigating national security cases are introduced in a handbook (pdf) published by the Navy Judge Advocate General. “National Security Cases and cases involving classified information are inherently complex because they impose strict security, reporting, coordination, and approval requirements on top of the necessities of investigating, trying, defending, […]

06.02.06 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
WMD Commission Seeks to Revive Disarmament

In a whopper 231-page report published today, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission presented 60 specific recommendations for how to move the nonproliferation and disarmament agenda forward. The recommendations are familiar to anyone involved in these matters over the past 50 years: reduce the danger of nuclear arsenals; prevent proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; […]

06.01.06 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
FBI declassifies US bacterial warfare document

An FBI account of “Bacteriological Warfare in the United States” was obtained by through the Freedom of Information Act. In all, 709 pages were released relating to bacterial warfare efforts in the US from 1941-1950, some of which are heavily redacted. 1,074 pages have been witheld for further review by other agencies. The account […]

05.31.06 | 1 min read
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ISOO Urged to Compel Vice President to Report on Secrecy

The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) should exercise its authority to compel the Office of the Vice President to disclose how frequently it classifies and declassifies information, the Federation of American Scientists urged in a letter (pdf) to ISOO Director J. William Leonard. For the third year in a row, the Office of the Vice […]

05.31.06 | 2 min read
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“Deemed Exports”: Commerce Department Retreats

In a victory for academic researchers, the Department of Commerce announced the withdrawal of a controversial rulemaking notice on so-called “deemed exports” that would have imposed new restrictions on access to information and technology by foreign-born scientists. A “deemed export” has taken place when a foreign national who is working in the United States gains […]

05.31.06 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
NNSA Walking a Fine Line on Divine Strake

Update (February 22, 2007): DTRA announces that Divine Strake has been canceled. In a surprising move, the National Nuclear Security Administration last week withdrew (!) its Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Divine Strake, a document issued in April that declared that a planned detonation of 700 tons of chemical explosives at the Nevada […]

05.31.06 | 4 min read
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House Moves to Limit “Sensitive Security Information”

The scope of the “sensitive security information” (SSI) control category that prevents disclosure of certain kinds of transportation security-related information would be significantly curtailed by the House version of the 2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act. The House bill would mandate automatic disclosure of SSI when it becomes three years old if it is […]

05.31.06 | 1 min read
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