Publication Archive

An Effort to Restrict Classified Earmarks

The use of the national security classification system to conceal “earmarks” — targeted allocations of funds — that are self-serving or corrupt would be eliminated if a proposal by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) becomes law. The proposal was offered as an amendment to Senate bill S. 1, the Legislative Transparency and […]

01.18.07 | 1 min read
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Warrantless Surveillance Cases Go To FISA Court

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales notified the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday that President Bush will not reauthorize the controversial Terrorist Surveillance Program and that the surveillance activities conducted in that program will henceforth be subject to authorization by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The Attorney General’s January 17 letter to Senators Patrick Leahy and Arlen Specter […]

01.18.07 | 1 min read
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Selected CRS Reports

Some noteworthy new reports of the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public include the following (all pdf). “Iran: Profile and Statements of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,” January 16, 2007. “Iraq: Regional Perspectives and U.S. Policy,” January 12, 2007. “A Joint Committee on Intelligence: Proposals and Options from the 9/11 […]

01.18.07 | 1 min read
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WaPo: How to Bury A Secret

The imposition of a deadline for automatic declassification of most 25 year old, historically valuable classified records on December 31, 2006 rewrote the bureaucratic software that governs the national security classification system. In principle, official secrecy can no longer be indefinite and open-ended. Nevertheless, declassification will not be translated into disclosure and public access until […]

01.18.07 | 1 min read
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Intelligence Science Board Views Interrogation

The current state of scientific knowledge regarding the conduct of interrogation and related forms of intelligence gathering is limited by numerous gaps in theoretical and practical understanding, according to a new book-length study (pdf) from the Intelligence Science Board, an advisory panel to the U.S. intelligence community. The study was prompted by “concerns about recent […]

01.15.07 | 2 min read
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Army Establishes Psyops Branch

“Effective 16 October 2006, Psychological Operations was established as a basic branch of the Army, pursuant to the authority of Section 3063(a)(13), Title 10, United States Code.” That is the substance of General Order 30 (pdf) issued by Secretary of the Army Francis J. Harvey on January 12, 2007. According to the Department of Defense […]

01.15.07 | 1 min read
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OMB Backs Away From Disputed Risk Assessment Policy

In an uncommon victory for the objectivity of the scientific advisory process, the Office of Management and Budget said that it would not implement a proposed new policy on regulatory risk assessments after a National Academy of Sciences panel said the policy was “fundamentally flawed.” Last January the OMB issued a proposed “bulletin” (pdf) that […]

01.12.07 | 1 min read
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Enhanced Whistleblower Protections Proposed

A bill to amend and strengthen the Whistleblower Protection Act was introduced yesterday by Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and several bipartisan Senate colleagues. “Our legislation ensures that Federal whistleblowers are protected from retaliatory action when notifying the public and government leaders of waste, fraud, and abuse,” Senator Akaka said. “If we fail to protect whistleblowers, […]

01.12.07 | 1 min read
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Even More from CRS

Some noteworthy, newly updated products of the Congressional Research Service that are not readily available in the public domain include the following (all pdf). “Congressional Oversight Manual,” updated January 3, 2007. “Paperwork Reduction Act Reauthorization and Government Information Management Issues,” updated January 4, 2007. “Nuclear Arms Control: The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty,” updated January 3, […]

01.12.07 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Congress to ask President for update on National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza

Representatives Lowey (D-NY) and Emanuel (D-IL) are circulating a Dear Colleague letter to be delivered to the President asking him to update the Congress on the National Strategy on Pandemic Influenza. Released 8 months ago, the strategy includes over 300 activities designed to prepare the nation for a potential influenza pandemic. However, many of the […]

01.11.07 | 2 min read
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Report: Militarization of U.S. Embassies Arouses Suspicion

The growing military presence at U.S. embassies abroad is arousing suspicion among some foreign officials and producing friction between civilian foreign service officers and military personnel, according to a new staff report from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “There is evidence that some host countries are questioning the increasingly military component of America’s profile overseas,” […]

01.11.07 | 2 min read
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New Legislation and Congressional Publications

A recent Presidential signing statement on the Postal Reform Act “has resulted in considerable confusion and widespread concern about the President’s commitment to abide by the basic privacy protections afforded sealed domestic mail,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). “For some, it raised the specter of the Government unlawfully monitoring our mail in the name of […]

01.11.07 | 1 min read
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