The U.S. Army has issued a new field manual (pdf) on the use of National Guard units known as “civil support teams” (CST) to respond to domestic terrorist or other incidents involving weapons of mass destruction. “The mission of the WMD-CST is to support civil authorities at domestic CBRNE [chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield […]
To begin the day the NBSB listened to presentations from each of the members of the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE). The Enterprise is coordinated within HHS by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and includes the NIH, CDC, FDA and BARDA. PHEMCE’s role in HHS is to coordinate the research, development, […]
Noteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service obtained by Secrecy News include the following (all pdf). “China’s Space Program: Options for U.S.-China Cooperation,” December 14, 2007. “U.S.-China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress,” updated December 12, 2007. “Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses,” updated December 5, 2007. “Iraq and Al Qaeda,” updated December 7, 2007. […]
The W62 is the only nuclear warhead that has been publicly identified for elimination under the Bush administration’s secret nuclear stockpile reduction plan. By Hans M. Kristensen The While House announced earlier today that the President had “approved a significant reduction in the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile to take effect by the end of 2007.” […]
The National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) began their inaugural meeting yesterday in Washington DC. The board, made up of 13 voting members and 21 non-voting ex officio representatives, was created as part of the 2006 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. The NBSB was chartered with the task of providing expert advice to the Department of […]
Several defense intelligence agencies will withhold unclassified information about their contracts from a new public database of government spending. The new database at is intended to provide increased transparency regarding most government contracts. But when it comes to intelligence spending, there will actually be a net loss of public information because categories of intelligence […]
The U.S. intelligence community is reverting to old patterns of cold war secrecy, warned the former Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), to the detriment of U.S. intelligence. “The reality that I see is an Intelligence Community that is retreating into greater secrecy and old cultural habits, even in the short time since I […]
The National Archives says it is exploring new methods to accelerate the disclosure of records at Presidential libraries. Archivists “decided to undertake an in-house study in the spring of 2007 to review ways to achieve faster processing of Presidential records,” stated Emily Robison, acting director of the Clinton Presidential Library, in an October 2 declaration […]
If Secrecy News is providing you with valuable information that you don’t find elsewhere, and if you have not already responded to our earlier appeals, won’t you consider supporting our work with a financial contribution? Secure online donations can be made here. Or you can mail a check payable to Federation of American Scientists, earmarked […]
The spending bill just agreed by Congress over the weekend explicitly specifies zero funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead, or RRW, and support for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, but below the administration’s request. The RRW is a new nuclear weapon that the administration claims is essential to maintaining the integrity of the nuclear arsenal. […]
Senator Barack Obama praised the launch of a new government website yesterday that tracks federal contract awards. The new website — — constitutes “an important milestone on the path to greater openness and transparency in the Federal Government,” he said. “I have been very troubled by the extent to which America has become a […]
Although last year’s budget for national intelligence was disclosed, current year spending remains classified, reflecting a judgment by the Bush Administration that its disclosure would cause serious damage to national security. So it is interesting to see that current intelligence spending is treated matter-of-factly in some other countries, and publicly disclosed without any fanfare at […]