Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
CHIPS and Science Funding Gaps Continues to Stifle Scientific Competitiveness

The ongoing failure of the U.S. to invest comes at a time when our competitors continue to up their investments in science.

04.08.24 | 8 min read
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Policy Entrepreneurship to Address Today’s Biggest Challenges

What distinguishes FAS is unlocking progress through “policy entrepreneurship” in areas where tractability has long been elusive. 

04.05.24 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
Regulations, funding, and knowledge gaps: Challenges and opportunities in bringing agricultural biotechnology to market

Given the unreliability of private market funding for agricultural biotechnology R&D, substantial federal funding through research programs such as AgARDA is vital for accelerating R&D.

03.28.24 | 9 min read
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Building a Digital Justice Framework: FAS Policy Entrepreneur Fellow Monica Sanders

“Given the number of existential crises we must collectively confront, I have found policy entrepreneurship to be a fruitful avenue towards doing some of that work.”

03.26.24 | 3 min read
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Renewing the Call for Bold Policy Ideas

We sit on the verge of another Presidential election – an opportunity for meaningful, science-based policy innovations that can appeal to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

03.21.24 | 4 min read
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Education & Workforce
Revitalizing Federal Jobs Data: Unleashing the Potential of Emerging Roles

Outdated Bureau of Labor Statistics classifications hampers the federal government’s ability to design and implement effective policies for emerging technologies sectors.

03.19.24 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Depot In Belarus Shows New Upgrades Possibly For Russian Nuclear Warhead Storage

A military depot in central Belarus has recently been upgraded with additional security perimeters and an access point that indicate it could be intended for housing Russian nuclear warheads for Belarus’ Russia-supplied Iskander missile launchers.

03.14.24 | 3 min read
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Dr. Shawn Chen, Office of Science, Practical Science for the Future of Clean Energy

With a PhD in materials science, a postdoc position at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and a stint as a AAAS Fellow, Dr. Shawn Chen has had a range of roles in the research community.

03.14.24 | 5 min read
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Moving the Needle on STEM Workforce Development through Fellowships and Mentorship Support in the CHIPS and Science Act

The CHIPS and Science Act ushered in unprecedented opportunities for American manufacturing, science, and innovation – and yet, current underfunding leaves the outcomes at risk.

03.13.24 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Indian Test-Launch of MIRV Missile Latest Sign Of Emerging Nuclear Arms Race

The Indian government announced yesterday that it had conducted the first flight test of its Agni-5 ballistic missile “with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology.

03.12.24 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Details of Russia’s nuclear modernization are inconsistent with warnings of vast nuclear expansion

While many are rightly concerned about Russia’s development of new nuclear-capable systems, fears of substantial nuclear increase may be overblown.

03.11.24 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Make Nukes History

Oppenheimer may win big at the Oscars as a story about the past; unfortunately, nuclear weapons are still an urgent threat to humanity.

03.06.24 | 2 min read
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