Publication Archive

OSC Reports on Guinea Slaughter, Japanese Space

The DNI Open Source Center (OSC) recently issued a brief report (pdf) summarizing international criticism of Guinea’s ruling military junta after Guinean security forces killed more than 100 civilians at a September 28 opposition rally. Another new OSC report (pdf) described Japanese officials as confident and optimistic about the future of their space program, following […]

10.13.09 | 1 min read
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Counterinsurgency Operations, and Other Stuff

Counterinsurgency refers to “comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its core grievances,” a new publication from the Joint Chiefs of Staff explains. See Joint Publication 3-24 on “Counterinsurgency Operations” (pdf), 249 pages, October 5, 2009.  (JP 3-24 is not to be confused with the celebrated December 2006 […]

10.13.09 | 1 min read
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DoD Suppressed Critique of Military Research

“Important aspects of the DOD basic research programs are ‘broken’,” according to an assessment performed by the JASON defense science advisory panel earlier this year, and “throwing more money at the problems will not fix them.” But that rather significant conclusion was deliberately suppressed by Pentagon officials who withheld it from public disclosure when a […]

10.08.09 | 2 min read
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New DoD Website Fosters Secret Science

Updated below The Pentagon’s Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) last month announced the creation of a new password-protected portal where authorized users may gain access to restricted scientific and engineering publications. “DTIC Online Access Controlled… provides a gateway to Department of Defense unclassified, controlled science and technology (S&T) and research and engineering (R&E) information,” according […]

10.08.09 | 2 min read
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DoD Releases Military Intel Program Budget Docs

Newly disclosed Department of Defense annual budget documents reveal the structure and some of the contents of the Military Intelligence Program that supports DoD operations. The U.S. intelligence enterprise as a whole is funded through two separate budget constructs: the National Intelligence Program (NIP), which supports national policymakers, and the Military Intelligence Program (MIP).  The […]

10.05.09 | 2 min read
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Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence last month published a revised “Intelligence Community Legal Reference Book” (pdf), updated through May 2009. The 950-page document, which is more than 250 pages longer than the 2007 edition, includes basic intelligence-related legal materials such as the text of the National Security Act and various executive orders […]

10.05.09 | 1 min read
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Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto

Most of those who have heard of the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw during World War II probably think of it in connection with the uprising of a small number of Jewish fighters prior to the final liquidation of the Ghetto by German forces.  Dr. Marek Edelman, who led the uprising, died last Friday at age […]

10.05.09 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Missile Mystery in Beijing

The mysterious DF-41 missile did not appear at the Chinese National Day parade on October 1st, but the Chinese Ministry of National Defense says the DF-31A did. But did it, or was it in fact the DF-31? . By Hans M. Kristensen The military parade at China’s 60th National Day celebration last week was widely […]

10.05.09 | 5 min read
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The Case for a National Declassification Center

“Without reform in [declassification] policy and process, agencies will continue to spend millions of dollars each year perpetuating an ineffective and inefficient declassification system, while the backlog of records waiting to be processed for the open shelves continues to grow,” according to a newly obtained National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) white paper. The best […]

10.01.09 | 3 min read
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The Use of Photographs in Psychological Operations

The Supreme Court has not yet indicated whether it will review a Freedom of Information Act ruling requiring the Department of Defense to disclose certain photographs of alleged detainee abuse to the American Civil Liberties Union.  If it declines to do so, a federal appeals court order (pdf) that directed release of the photographs will […]

10.01.09 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
CTBT Article XIV Conference

by: Alicia Godsberg This past Thursday and Friday marked the 6th bi-annual Article XIV Conference, the Conference on Facilitating the Entry Into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).  This year’s conference was held at the United Nations in New York and was met with a measure of cautious optimism – most states […]

09.30.09 | 7 min read
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Draft Order Would Set New Limits on Classification

“No information may remain classified indefinitely,” according to a draft of an Obama Administration executive order on national security classification policy. As a statement of principle, this may seem tame and self-evident.  But until now, no Administration has been willing to make such a categorical statement about the temporal limits of national security secrecy, and […]

09.29.09 | 4 min read
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