Publication Archive

Global Risk
China Defense White Paper Describes Nuclear Escalation

. By Hans M. Kristensen A Chinese government defense white paper for the first time describes how China’s nuclear forces would gradually be brought to increased levels of alert during a crisis to deter an adversary and retaliate to nuclear attack. The paper describes a growing portfolio of deterrence and counterattack capabilities with an ambitious […]

01.23.09 | 6 min read
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President Obama Declares “A New Era of Openness”

In a breathtaking series of statements and executive actions, President Barack Obama yesterday announced “the beginning of a new era of openness in our country.” “For a long time now there’s been too much secrecy in this city,” he told reporters at a January 21 swearing-in ceremony. “The old rules said that if there was […]

01.22.09 | 3 min read
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Various Resources

“The Bush administration has left in its wake a demoralized national-security press corps, battered by leak investigations, subpoena-happy prosecutors, and a shift in the legal and wider culture away from the previous understanding of journalism’s mission and First Amendment protections,” writes Laura Rozen in the Columbia Journalism Review.  See her story “Hung Out to Dry” […]

01.22.09 | 1 min read
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Obama: We Will “Do Our Business in the Light of Day”

Updated below President Barack Obama found room in his inaugural address to affirm a commitment to open, accountable government. “And those of us who manage the public’s knowledge dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the […]

01.21.09 | 2 min read
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Presidential Transition Binder Shines a Light on FEMA

The structure and functions of the normally somewhat opaque Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are illuminated in a 238-page briefing book (pdf) that was prepared for the presidential transition. “The FEMA 2009 Presidential Transition Binder… is intended to serve as a reference for FEMA leadership and employees to help orient them to its organizational structure, […]

01.21.09 | 1 min read
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OLC Says LBJ Memo Critical of Polygraph is Non-Binding

The outgoing head of the Bush Administration Office of Legal Counsel took the time to issue an opinion (pdf) last week stating that a forty-year-old memorandum issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson limiting use of polygraph tests is not binding on executive branch agencies today. The Johnson memorandum had stated that in order “to prevent […]

01.21.09 | 1 min read
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Feingold: New FISA Court Ruling Based on Incomplete Record

When it upheld the constitutionality of warrantless intelligence surveillance under certain very particular circumstances in a ruling (pdf) that was disclosed last week, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review was acting on an incomplete factual record that may have skewed its decision, according to Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI). “It is my view that the […]

01.21.09 | 2 min read
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Iran’s Testing of Russian Shkval Torpedo Documented

The Russian Shkval torpedo was tested for Iranian naval officials in 2004 and the resulting data were described in several newly disclosed Persian-language documents. Iran’s own Hoot torpedo is evidently derived from the Shkval.  Both are high-speed, supercavitating anti-ship missiles. Some of the newly disclosed Iranian documents, which include Shkval technical specifications and test performance […]

01.21.09 | 1 min read
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Presidential Pardoning Power, and More from CRS

The President of the United States has broad and essentially unfettered authority to issue pardons for offenses against the United States, a new Congressional Research Service report on the subject explains. “It also appears that a pardon may be revoked at any time prior to acceptance or delivery” of the warrant of pardon, according to […]

01.16.09 | 1 min read
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New Guidelines Define NCTC Access to Non-Terror Databases

The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), a component of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, may obtain access to federal databases containing non-terrorism-related information in order to acquire information needed for authorized counterterrorism purposes, pursuant to a recent memorandum of agreement (pdf) between the Director of National Intelligence and the Attorney General. “NCTC will […]

01.16.09 | 2 min read
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Basic Failures Abound in Classification Program

“At a time where we would expect to find increasing stability in the [national security classification] program, we are instead finding failure with the implementation of basic requirements,” wrote William J. Bosanko, director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), in the latest ISOO annual report to the President (pdf). Out of more than 1,000 […]

01.14.09 | 2 min read
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ODNI Denies Release of 2006 Intelligence Budget Figure

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence today denied a request to release the size of the 2006 National Intelligence Program budget. The size of the 2007 budget (pdf) for the National Intelligence Program has been formally declassified and released ($43.5 billion).  And so has the figure for the 2008 budget ($47.5 billion). But […]

01.14.09 | 1 min read
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