Publication Archive

Global Risk
Twenty Percent Solution: Breaking the Iranian Stalemate

by Ivanka Barzashka and Ivan Oelrich Iran and the rest of the world are stalemated. Obama’s deadline for Tehran to address concerns about its nuclear program passed at the end of 2009, so the White House is moving to harsher sanctions. But the US is having trouble rallying the needed international support because Iranian intentions […]

04.09.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
The Nuclear Posture Review

The Nuclear Posture Review enshrines nuclear disarmament as a real goal for U.S. nuclear weapons policy for the first time. By Hans M. Kristensen It’s finally here! Hot off the press after a three months delay. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the United States has published a Nuclear Posture […]

04.08.10 | 12 min read
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First Unclassified Nuclear Posture Review Released

In what may be the Obama Administration’s single most significant reduction in national security secrecy to date, the Department of Defense this week published the first unclassified Nuclear Posture Review. The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) defines U.S. nuclear weapons policy, strategy and force structure.  As such, it is one of the most important national security […]

04.08.10 | 3 min read
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North Korea’s 2009 Nuclear Test, and More from CRS

In May 2009, North Korea announced that it had conducted its second nuclear explosive test.  Although the event generated a seismic signature consistent with a nuclear explosion, it produced no detectable release of radioactive gases or particulates (fallout).  This either means that North Korea actually conducted a non-nuclear simulation of a nuclear test, or else […]

04.08.10 | 1 min read
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Kremlin Control of Russian Internet Rising, OSC Says

The Russian-language internet is increasingly subject to control by the Russian government and its allies in the private sector, according to a new report (pdf) from the DNI Open Source Center (OSC). Except for a vocal minority of bloggers and human rights activists, the Russian public is mostly indifferent to or even supportive of government […]

04.06.10 | 3 min read
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Army Grapples with “Epidemic” of Suicides

The U.S. Army is still struggling to come to grips with the unusually high rate of suicide within its ranks. “The Army ratios are above the national average and in some months recently, there have been more suicides in the Army than combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan,” observed Nancy Youssef of McClatchy News last […]

04.06.10 | 2 min read
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History of the North Korean Army (1952)

The origins and development of North Korea’s military forces, from the vantage point of 1952, are described in a declassified U.S. Army intelligence report (large pdf). “Although the North Korean Army was not officially activated until 8 February 1948, the backbone of the armed forces was forged in 1946 under the mask of Central Peace […]

04.06.10 | 1 min read
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Warrantless Surveillance of Charity Ruled Unlawful

Warrantless surveillance of an Islamic charity in Oregon in 2004 violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a court ruled (pdf) on March 31. In the culmination of a four-year lawsuit, Judge Vaughn Walker of the Northern District of California found that the government had unlawfully intercepted international telephone conversations of the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation […]

04.02.10 | 2 min read
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Bioterrorism, Changes in the Arctic, and More from CRS

New Congressional Research Service reports obtained by Secrecy News that have not been made readily available to the public include the following (all pdf): “Federal Efforts to Address the Threat of Bioterrorism: Selected Issues for Congress,” March 18, 2010. “Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress,” March 30, 2010. “Deforestation and Climate Change,” […]

04.02.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
The Revelation of Fordow+10: What Does It Mean?

by Ivanka Barzashka According to a recent article by the New York Times, Western intelligence agencies and international inspectors now “suspect that Tehran is preparing to build more [enrichment] sites”. This revelation, according to the newspaper, comes at a “crucial moment in the White House’s attempts to impose tough new sanctions against Iran.” However, these […]

04.01.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Hardly a Jump START

Four months past a “deadline” imposed by the expiration of the old START treaty and amid much fanfare, President Obama announced that he and Russian President Medvedev had agreed on a new arms control treaty.  I am not as excited as most are about the treaty and much of the following might be interpreted as […]

03.29.10 | 9 min read
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Global Risk
New START Treaty Has New Counting

An important new treaty reduces the limit for deployed strategic warheads but not the number. By Hans M. Kristensen The White House has announced that it has reached agreement with Russia on the New START Treaty. Although some of the documents still have to be finished, a White House fact sheet describes that the treaty […]

03.29.10 | 8 min read
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