Publication Archive

DHS Says It Cannot Stop Private Posting of Sensitive Info

The law does not authorize the Department of Homeland Security to regulate or penalize the publication of sensitive transportation security-related information on private websites, the Department advised Congress (pdf) recently. Last December, the Transportation Security Administration inadvertently posted a manual marked “sensitive security information” that described procedures for screening of airline passengers.  Following its discovery, […]

04.19.10 | 2 min read
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“Torture and the OLC,” and Other New Hearing Volumes

By authorizing extreme interrogation methods and defining them as legally permissible, the Bush Administration’s Office of Legal Counsel enabled “our country’s descent into torture,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) last year at a contentious hearing of a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee that he chaired.  The hearing presented contrasting views on a range of related issues, including […]

04.19.10 | 1 min read
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ODNI Report on Data Mining: We Don’t Do It

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence says it does not practice data mining in the narrow sense of searching databases to find anomalous patterns that could be indicative of terrorist activity.  So the latest ODNI annual report to Congress (pdf) on data mining programs (the third such report) has little new information to […]

04.19.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Second Chinese Naval Demagnetization Facility Spotted

Click image for large version . By Hans M. Kristensen The Chinese navy has constructed what appears to be a demagnetization facility near an East Sea Fleet submarine base. The facility is the second spotted at Chinese naval bases since 2008. Chinese Naval Demagnetization Facilities The new demagnetization facility is located less than 10 km […]

04.19.10 | 3 min read
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Secrecy System Churned Along in 2009

The national security classification system hit some new highs as well as some new lows over the last year, the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) disclosed in its latest annual report to the President (pdf). The total number of reported national security classification actions skyrocketed to a record 54.8 million classifications last year, a startling […]

04.15.10 | 3 min read
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Former Official Indicted for Mishandling Classified Info

Thomas A. Drake, a former National Security Agency official, was indicted yesterday after allegedly having disclosed classified information to a reporter for a national newspaper “who wrote newspaper articles about the NSA and its intelligence activities in 2006 and 2007.”  The reporter and the newspaper were not named. Mr. Drake allegedly provided classified documents to […]

04.15.10 | 1 min read
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Economic Impacts of Prison Growth, and More from CRS

“The historic, sustained rise in [the U.S. prison population] has broad implications, not just for the criminal justice system, but for the larger economy. About 770,000 people worked in the corrections sector in 2008 [and this number is expected to grow]…. By comparison, in 2008 there were 880,000 workers in the entire U.S. auto manufacturing […]

04.15.10 | 1 min read
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Experts Advise IC on Classified Biosecurity Activities

The Biological Sciences Experts Group (BSEG) is a group of non-governmental scientists who advise the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) on activities to counter biological threats and weapons.  Aside from the fact of its existence, nearly everything about the group is classified, but a few details of the enterprise have lately emerged. The BSEG is supposed […]

04.13.10 | 2 min read
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FBI Invites Academics to Confer on Security

The Federal Bureau of Investigation will co-host a conference (pdf) this month “to promote positive continuous dialogue between the U.S. Intelligence Community and the academic community.”  The conference will be held at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory on April 29. Topics of discussion will include the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board, which “has been […]

04.13.10 | 2 min read
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OSC on Turkey’s “Ergenekon” Underground Movement

A new report (pdf) from the DNI Open Source Center profiles Turkey’s subversive “Ergenekon” movement. “‘Ergenekon’ is the name of an alleged illegal neonationalist organization accused of planning to oust the pro-Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) government through a military coup. The organization, in turn, has been linked to the so-called ‘Deep State,’ alleged […]

04.13.10 | 1 min read
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In Other News

Israeli Stores Stop Selling Book That Denounces Settlers by Robert Mackey, New York Times The Lede, April 12. “An Israeli bookstore chain announced on Sunday that it would stop selling ‘The National Left,’ a political manifesto by two Israeli authors.” Who watches WikiLeaks? by Chris McGreal, The Guardian, April 9. “This week a classified video […]

04.13.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
What’s Wrong with What’s Wrong with the Nuclear Posture Review

On Tuesday, the Secretary of Defense released the new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).  I was quite disappointed in the document, thinking it is timid and gradualist.   So you can imagine how distracting it is when I am part way through writing a blog trashing the new doctrine for not going far enough that I see […]

04.11.10 | 9 min read
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