Publication Archive

Congress Resists Efforts to Reduce Secrecy

Ordinarily, critics of government secrecy focus their ire — and their strategy — on executive branch agencies that refuse to release certain national security-related information to the public.  But to an extent that is not widely recognized or understood, it is Congress that has erected barriers to greater openness and has blocked efforts to improve […]

08.06.12 | 5 min read
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Justice Dept Silent on IG Role in State Secrets Cases

The Department of Justice told Congress recently that it would not disclose the number of state secrets cases involving alleged government misconduct, if any, that have been referred to an Inspector General for investigation. Under a revised state secrets policy that was announced by Attorney General Holder in 2009, the Department committed to referring credible […]

08.06.12 | 2 min read
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Pentagon Use of Polygraph Tests Rises Sharply

The number of polygraph examinations performed by the Department of Defense more than doubled over the past decade to over 43,000 tests in a one-year period, according to a study performed last year for the Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence). The large majority of the tests were for pre-employment or periodic reinvestigation employee screening purposes.  […]

08.02.12 | 2 min read
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Leak Furor Persists in Senate

In a floor statement yesterday, Sen. John McCain reiterated his criticism of the Obama White House for allegedly leaking classified information that endangered national security, and he repeated his call for appointment of a special counsel to independently investigate the claims. Sen. McCain cited a particular incident in 2009 described by David Sanger of the […]

08.02.12 | 2 min read
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Medicaid Financing, Mountaintop Mining, and More from CRS

The Congressional Research Service has not been authorized to publicly release the following new and updated reports. China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities — Background and Issues for Congress, July 31, 2012 Organization of American States: Background and Issues for Congress, July 31, 2012 Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress, […]

08.02.12 | 1 min read
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What is an Unauthorized Disclosure?

Correction added below The anti-leak provisions proposed by the Senate Intelligence Committee in the pending FY2013 intelligence authorization act have been widely criticized as misconceived and ill-suited to achieving their presumed goals. But they also suffer from a lack of clarity and an absence of definitions of crucial terms. For example, there is no clear […]

08.01.12 | 3 min read
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US Arms Sales to Pakistan, and More from CRS

New products of the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public include these: Major U.S. Arms Sales and Grants to Pakistan Since 2001, July 25, 2012 Direct Overt U.S. Aid and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan, FY2002-FY2013, July 27, 2012 Georgia [Republic]: Recent Developments and U.S. Interests, July 13, 2012 […]

08.01.12 | 1 min read
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Anti-Leak Measures in Senate Bill Target Press, Public

The Senate Intelligence Committee markup of the FY2013 Intelligence Authorization Act, which was officially filed yesterday, devotes an entire title including twelve separate provisions to the issue of unauthorized disclosures of classified information, or leaks. But several of those provisions aim to disrupt the flow of unclassified information to the press and the public rather […]

07.31.12 | 3 min read
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Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa, and More from CRS

Newly updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has not authorized for broad public distribution include the following. U.S. Trade and Investment Relationship with Sub-Saharan Africa: The African Growth and Opportunity Act and Beyond, June 26, 2012 The Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI): Budget Authority and Request, FY2010-FY2013, July 27, 2012 Navy Force […]

07.31.12 | 1 min read
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Defense, Critique of NSA Classification Action Released

A persistent controversy involving allegations of overclassification reached a new level of intensity on Friday when the National Security Agency released its explanation for the disputed classification of an NSA email message that was used to support an Espionage Act prosecution. Also cleared for release on Friday was the 2011 complaint filed by former secrecy […]

07.30.12 | 5 min read
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US Army on Military Mountaineering

The U.S. Army has published an updated training manual on military mountaineering (large pdf). “Mountains exist in almost every country in the world and almost every war has included some type of mountain operations,” the manual states. “This pattern will not change; therefore, Soldiers will fight in mountainous terrain in future conflicts. Although mountain operations […]

07.30.12 | 1 min read
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The Executive Budget Process, and More from CRS

New reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has not made readily available to the public include these. The Executive Budget Process: An Overview, July 27, 2012 “Amazon” Laws and Taxation of Internet Sales: Constitutional Analysis, July 26, 2012 The Obama Administration’s Proposal to Establish a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, July 25, 2012 […]

07.30.12 | 1 min read
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