The federal government can and must intervene to promote transparency and competition in the broadband market.
The U.S. should approve over-the-counter (OTC) birth-control pills to ensure universal access to contraception.
The U.S. should support African civil society by securing an information ecosystem that advances democratic values.
Expanded manufacturing programs will invest in our nation’s long-term competitive innovation capacity.
Rethinking the Trade Adjustment Assistance program’s upskilling and training component from the ground up.
A data-driven approach to rid American communities of the pernicious effects of lead contamination in water systems.
To enable transitioning workers, the DOL should update its career guidance tools to include data on health and safety risks.
The growing ubiquity of drone strikes within U.S. military operations demands action to increase transparency and accountability.
To address continuous labor market transformation and automation, all Americans need to have access to agile and effective jobs training.
A renewed commitment to modernizing the SLDS data infrastructure and to the students these systems serve is needed.
Establish a Manufacturing USA Institute under NIST with the goal of pursuing advanced packaging for scalable heterogeneous computing.
CDR implementation would responsibly, equitably, and effectively combat climate change by achieving net-negative CO2 emissions.