By Hans M. Kristensen The latest aggregate data released by the US State Department for the New START treaty show that Russia has increased its counted deployed strategic nuclear forces over the past six months. The data show that Russia increased its deployed launchers by 25 from 473 to 498, and the warheads attributed to […]
The decision by the Central Intelligence Agency to terminate public access to its translations of foreign news reports at the end of 2013 continues to reverberate among frustrated former consumers. The translations had been performed by the Open Source Center (OSC) at CIA, and marketed to subscribers through the NTIS World News Connection (WNC). Their […]
Noteworthy new and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from online public distribution include the following. U.S.-Vietnam Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Issues for Congress, March 24, 2014 Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy, March 24, 2014 Central Asia: Regional Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests, March 21, 2014 Major U.S. Arms […]
The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) has rarely been relied upon by intelligence agency whistleblowers, according to a newly released 2009 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Inspector General. During the ten year period after the Act came into effect in January 1999, intelligence agency Offices of Inspector General (OIGs) […]
The declassification of historical intelligence satellite imagery has been a boon to scientists, environmentalists and other researchers since it began with President Clinton’s executive order 12951. So, for example, “The declassification of imagery from CORONA and subsequent intelligence satellite programs has inspired a revolution in landscape archaeology in the Near East,” wrote archaeologist Jason Ur. […]
The number of Americans who have been investigated and deemed eligible for access to classified information rose last year to a total of 5,150,379 as of October 2013. It was the fourth consecutive year of growth in the security-cleared population. The new total includes civilian and military government employees (3.7 million) and contractor personnel (1 […]
The Central Intelligence Agency may have violated the Speech or Debate clause of the U.S. Constitution by performing an unauthorized search of Senate Intelligence Committee computers, according to an analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The Speech or Debate clause (in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 of the Constitution) generally immunizes members of Congress […]
By leaking classified intelligence documents, Edward Snowden transformed public awareness of the scale and scope of U.S. intelligence surveillance programs. But his actions are proving to be no less consequential for national security secrecy policy. “These leaks have forced the Intelligence Community to rethink our approach to transparency and secrecy,” said Robert S. Litt, General […]
New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from online public distribution include the following. Climate Change Legislation in the 113th Congress, March 12, 2014 Cars, Trucks, and Climate: EPA Regulation of Greenhouse Gases from Mobile Sources, March 13, 2014 Canadian Oil Sands: Life-Cycle Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, March […]
Even when the Central Intelligence Agency possesses a releasable document in a softcopy format, the Agency typically refuses to release the softcopy version in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, and insists on providing a hardcopy version of the document instead. A federal judge said last week that that may be a violation of […]
Last June, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a classified “execute order” to authorize and initiate a military operation. The nature, scope and duration of the military operation could not immediately be determined — even the title of the order is classified — but it evidently pertains to the conduct of military […]
By Hans M. Kristensen The US Air Force budget request for Fiscal Year 2015 shows that integration of the B61-12 on NATO F-16 and Tornado aircraft will start in 2015 for completion in 2017 and 2018. The integration marks the beginning of a significant enhancement of the military capability of NATO’s nuclear posture in Europe […]