Development aid can support local businesses, improve outcomes, and cut costs. Here’s how a Supply Chain Commercialization Fund can work with the private sector and build resilient health supply chains in Africa.
Over the past decade, algorithmic decision-making has increasingly impacted the lives of American consumers, and now is the time to ensure lending models offered by private companies are fair and transparent.
Here are industry leaders’ top three takeaways from this year’s Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference.
Economic innovation requires more sophisticated, focused, and better supported local economic planning. Here’s how to achieve it.
The past year has been an exciting time for the bioeconomy as U.S. government agencies work to update their approaches and improve coordination to better support bio-based products and processes.
Operation Warp Speed’s unique success is thanks to strong public-private partnerships, effective coordination, and structured leadership. Here’s how to replicate the OWS model for future success.
This month marks three years since the COVID pandemic took hold of nearly every aspect of American life. In a few more months (May 2023) the coronavirus public health emergency is set to conclude officially, following the Administration’s announcement to wind down the declarations. As the nation grapples with the tragedies and lasting effects of the pandemic, […]
There’s more work to be done to build a healthier future for all Americans, but here are some ideas for starters.
The Biden-Harris Administration should issue an executive order to embed Radical Participatory Design (RPD) into the design and development of all government policies, products, and services, and to require all federally-funded research to use Radical Participatory Research (RPR).
Law enforcement agencies in the US regularly deploy surveillance tactics to monitor the online activity of individuals and organizations, leaving the public in the dark about how this data is used and stored. Korica Simon offers a set of actions that federal agencies and Congress should implement to preserve the public’s constitutional rights.
Algorithmic systems are inescapable in modern life. The DOJ should modernize the enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to guide effective corrective action for algorithmic systems that produce discriminatory outcomes with regard to federal benefits.
Reliable internet access is a key tool for connecting communities and coordinating disaster preparation and relief, yet 21 million Americans lack connectivity. Congress and the Biden administration can adopt a framework for digital justice that focuses on improving digital and climate literacy.