The DNI Open Source Center recently published an extended account of Turkey’s military presence online.
“The military uses [the website of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces] to inform the public of its counterterrorism activities, to expound its views as the upholder of Ataturk’s legacy and the foundations of the Turkish Republic, and to offer what it considers the official viewpoint of the Turkish state on the Armenian issue. Targeting the public as well as army personnel, the site showcases the [Turkish Armed Forces], its military prowess, its activities, and its projects, and offers a comprehensive archive and access to its publications.”
See “Turkey — General Staff Website Serves as Main Media Outlet for Military” (pdf), Open Source Center Media Aid, February 2, 2009.
The leadership of the Communist Party of China was portrayed in two other OSC publications in 2007 and 2008 (both pdf).
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