Government Capacity

Scaling Effective Methods across Federal Agencies: Looking Back at the Expanded Use of Incentive Prizes between 2010-2020

08.29.24 | 31 min read | Text by Cristin Dorgelo

Policy entrepreneurs inside and outside of government, as well as other stakeholders and advocates, are often interested in expanding the use of effective methods across many or all federal agencies, because how the government accomplishes its mission is integral to what the government is able to produce in terms of outcomes for the public it serves. Adoption and use of promising new methods by federal agencies can be slowed by a number of factors that discourage risk-taking and experimentation, and instead encourage compliance and standardization, too often as a false proxy for accountability. As a result, many agency-specific and government-wide authorities for promising methods go under-considered and under-utilized. 

Policy entrepreneurs within center-of-government agencies (e.g., Executive Office of the President) are well-positioned to use a variety of policy levers and actions to encourage and accelerate federal agency adoption of promising and effective methods. Some interventions by center-of-government agencies are better suited to driving initial adoption, others to accelerating or maintaining momentum, and yet others to codifying and making adoption durable once widespread. Therefore, a policy entrepreneur interested in expanding adoption of a given method should first seek to understand the “adoption maturity” of that method and then undertake interventions appropriate for that stage of adoption. The arc of agency adoption of new methods can be long—measured in years and decades, not weeks and months. Policy entrepreneurs should be prepared to support adoption over similar timescales. In considering adoption maturity of a method of interest, policy entrepreneurs can also reference the ideas of Tom Kalil in a July 2024 Federation of American Scientists blog post on “Increasing the ‘Policy Readiness of Ideas,” which offers sample questions to ask about “the policy landscape surrounding a particular idea.”

As a case study for driving federal adoption of a new method, this paper looks back at actions that supported the widespread adoption of incentive prizes by most federal agencies over the course of fiscal years 2010 through 2020. Federal agency use of prizes increased from several incentive prize competitions being offered by a handful of agencies in the early 2000s to more than 2,000 prize competitions offered by over 100 federal agencies by the end of fiscal year 2022. These incentive prize competitions have helped federal agencies identify novel solutions and technologies, establish new industry benchmarks, pay only for results, and engage new talent and organizations. 

A summary framework below includes types of actions that can be taken by policy entrepreneurs within center-of-government agencies to support awareness, piloting, and ongoing use of new methods by federal agencies in the years ahead. (Federal agency program and project managers who seek to scale up innovative methods within their agencies are encouraged to reference related resources such as this article by Jenn Gustetic in the Winter 2018 Issues in Science and Technology: “Scaling Up Policy Innovations in the Federal Government: Lessons from the Trenches.”) 

Efforts to expand federal capacity through new and promising methods are worthwhile to ensure the federal government can use a full and robust toolbox of tactics to meet its varied goals and missions. 


Opportunities for federal adoption and use of promising and effective methods

To address national priorities, solve tough challenges, or better meet federal missions to serve the public, a policy entrepreneur may aim to pilot, scale, and make lasting federal use of a specific method. 

A policy entrepreneur’s goals might include new ways for federal agencies to, for example:

To support these and other goals, an array of promising methods exist and have been demonstrated, such as in other sectors like philanthropy, industry, and civil society, in state, local, Tribal, or territorial governments and communities, or in one or several federal agencies—with promise for beneficial impact if more federal agencies adopted these practices. Many methods are either specifically supported or generally allowable under existing government-wide or agency-specific authorities. 

Center-of-government agencies include components of the Executive Office of the President (EOP) like the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), as well as the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA). These agencies direct, guide, convene, support, and influence the implementation of law, regulation, and the President’s policies across all Federal agencies, especially the executive departments. An August 2016 report by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for the Business of Government noted that, “The Office of Management and Budget and other “center of government” agencies are often viewed as adding processes that inhibit positive change—however, they can also drive innovation forward across the government.”

A policy entrepreneur interested in expanding adoption of a given method through actions driven or coordinated by one or more center-of-government agencies should first seek to understand the “adoption maturity” of a given method of interest by assessing: (1) the extent that adoption of the method has already occurred across the federal interagency; (2) any real or perceived barriers to adoption and use; and (3) the robustness of existing policy frameworks and agency-specific and government-wide infrastructure and resources that support agency use of the method.

Challenges in federal adoption and use of new methods

Policy entrepreneurs are usually interested in expanding federal adoption of new methods for good reason: a focus on supporting and expanding beneficial outcomes. Effective leaders and managers across sectors understand the importance of matching appropriate and creative tactics with well-defined problems and opportunities. Ideally, leaders are picking which tactic or tool to use based on their expert understanding of the target problem or opportunity, not using a method solely because it is novel or because it is the way work has always been done in the past. Design of effective program strategies is supported by access to a robust and well-stocked toolbox of tactics. 

However, many currently authorized and allowable methods for achieving federal goals are generally underutilized in the implementation strategies and day-to-day tactics of federal agencies. Looking at the wide variety of existing authorities in law and the various flexibilities allowed for in regulation and guidance, one might expect agency tactics for common activities like acquisition or public comment to be varied, diverse, iterative, and even experimental in nature, where appropriate. In practice, however, agency methods are often remarkably homogeneous, repeated, and standardized.   

This underutilization of existing authorities and allowable flexibilities is due to factors such as:

Strategies for addressing challenges in federal adoption and use of new methods

Attention and action by center-of-government agencies often is needed to address the factors cited above that slow the adoption and use of new methods across federal agencies and to build momentum. The following strategies are further explored in the case study on federal use of incentive prizes that follows: 

Additional strategies can be deployed within federal agencies to address agency-level barriers and scale promising methods—see, for example, this article by Jenn Gustetic in the Winter 2018 Issues in Science and Technology: “Scaling Up Policy Innovations in the Federal Government: Lessons from the Trenches.” 


The use of incentive prizes is one method for open innovation that has been adopted broadly by most federal agencies, with extensive bipartisan support in Congress and with White House engagement across multiple administrations. In contrast to recognition prizes, such as the Nobel Prize or various presidential medals, which reward past accomplishments, incentive prizes specify a target, establish a judging process (ideally as objective as possible), and use a monetary prize purse and/or non-monetary incentives (such as media and online recognition, access to development and commercialization facilities, resources, or experts, or even qualification for certain regulatory flexibility) to induce new efforts by solvers competing for the prize. 

The use of incentive prizes by governments (and by high net worth individuals) to catalyze novel solutions certainly is not new. In 1795, Napoleon offered 12,000 francs to improve upon the prevailing food preservation methods of the time, with a goal of better feeding his army. Fifteen years later, confectioner Nicolas François Appert claimed the prize for his method involving heating, boiling and sealing food in airtight glass jars — the same basic technology still used to can foods. Dava Sobel’s book Longitude details how the rulers of Spain, the Netherlands, and Britain all offered separate prizes, starting in 1567, for methods of figuring out longitude at sea, and finally John Harrison was awarded Britain’s top longitude prize in 1773. In 1919, Raymond Orteig, a French-American hotelier, aviation enthusiast, and philanthropist, offered a $25,000 prize for the first person who could perform a nonstop flight between New York and Paris. The prize offer initially expired by 1924 without anyone claiming it. Given technological advances and a number of engaged pilots involved in trying to win the prize, Orteig extended the deadline by 5 years. By 1926, nine teams had come forward to formally compete, and the prize went to a little-known aviator named Charles Lindbergh, who attempted the flight in a custom-built plane known as the “Spirit of St. Louis.”

The U.S. Government did not begin to adopt the use of incentive prizes until the early 21st century, following a 1999 National Academy of Engineering workshop about the use of prizes as an innovation tool. In the first decade of the 2000s, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Department of Energy conducted a small number of pilot prize competitions. These early agency-led prizes focused on autonomous vehicles, space exploration, and energy efficiency, demonstrating a range of benefits to federal agency missions. 

Federal use of incentive prizes did not accelerate until, in the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, Congress granted all federal agencies the authority to conduct prize competitions (15 USC § 3719). With that new authority in place, and with the support of a variety of other policy actions, federal use of incentive prizes reached scale, with over 2,000 prize competitions offered on by over 100 federal agencies between the fiscal years 2010 and 2022

There certainly remains extensive opportunity to improve the design, rigor, ambition, and effectiveness of federal prize competitions. That said, there are informative lessons to be drawn from how incentive prizes evolved in the United States from a method used primarily outside of government, with limited pilots among a handful of early-adopter federal agencies, to a method being tried by many civil servants across an active interagency community of practice and lauded by administration leaders, bipartisan members of Congress, and external stakeholders alike. 

A summary follows of the strategies and tactics used by policy entrepreneurs within the EOP—with support and engagement from Congress as well as program managers and legal staff across federal agencies—that led to increased adoption and use of incentive prizes in the federal government.

role of philanthropy

Summary of strategies and policy levers supporting expanded use of incentive prizes

In considering how best to expand awareness, adoption, and use among federal agencies of promising methods, policy entrepreneurs might consider utilizing some or all of the strategies and policy levers described below in the incentive prizes example. Those strategies and levers are summarized generally in the table that follows. Some of the listed levers can advance multiple strategies and goals. This framework is intended to be flexible and to spark brainstorming among policy entrepreneurs, as they build momentum in the use of particular innovation methods. 

Policy entrepreneurs are advised to consider and monitor the maturity level of federal awareness, adoption, and use, and to adjust their strategies and tactics accordingly. They are encouraged to return to earlier strategies and policy levers as needed, should adoption and momentum lag, should agency ambition in design and implementation of initiatives be insufficient, or should concerns regarding risk management be raised by agencies, Congress, or stakeholders. 

Stage of Federal AdoptionStrategyTypes of Center-of-Government Policy Levers
Early – No or few Federal agencies using methodUnderstand federal opportunities to use method, and identify barriers and challenges* Connect with early adopters across federal agencies to understand use of agency-specific authorities, identify pain points and lessons learned, and capture case studies (e.g., 2000-2009)

* Engage stakeholder community of contractors, experts, researchers, and philanthropy

* Look to and learn from use of method in other sectors (such as by philanthropy, industry, or academia) and document (or encourage third-party documentation of) that use and its known benefits and attributes (e.g., April 1999, July 2009)

* Encourage research, analysis, reports, and evidence-building by National Academies, academia, think tanks, and other stakeholders (e.g., April 1999, July 2009, June 2014)

* Discuss method with OMB Office of General Counsel and other relevant agency counsel

* Discuss method with relevant Congressional authorizing committee staff

* Host convenings that connect interested federal agency representatives with experts

* Support and connect nascent federal “community of interest”
Early – No or few Federal agencies using methodBuild interest among federal agencies* Designate primary policy point of contact/dedicated staff member in the EOP (e.g., 2009-2017, 2017-2021)

* Designate a primary implementation point of contact/dedicated staff at GSA and/or OPM

* Identify leads in all or certain federal agencies

* Connect topic to other administration policy agendas and strategies

* Highlight early adopters within agencies in communications from center-of-government agencies to other federal agencies (and to external audiences)

* Offer congressional briefings and foster bipartisan collaboration (e.g., 2015)
Early – No or few Federal agencies using methodEstablish legal authorities and general administration policy * Engage OMB Office of OMB General Counsel and OMB Legislative Review Division, as well as other relevant OMB offices and EOP policy councils

* Identify existing general authorities and regulations that could support federal agency use of method (e.g., March 2010)

* Establish general policy guidelines, including by leveraging Presidential authorities through executive orders or memoranda (e.g., January 2009)

* Issue OMB directives on specific follow-on agency actions or guidance to support agency implementation (“M-Memos” or similar) (e.g., December 2009, March 2010, August 2011, March 2012)

* Provide technical assistance to Congress regarding government-wide or agency-specific authority (or authorities) (e.g., June-July 2010, January 2011)

* Delegate existing authorities within agencies (e.g., October 2011)

* Encourage issuance of agency-specific guidance (e.g., October 2011, February 2014)

* Include direction to agencies as part of broader Administration policy agendas (e.g., September 2009, 2011-2016)
Early – No or few Federal agencies using methodRemove barriers and “make it easier”* Create a central government website with information for federal agency practitioners (such as toolkits, case studies, and trainings) and for the public (e.g., September 2010)

* Create dedicated GSA schedule of vendors (e.g., July 2011)

* Establish an interagency center of excellence (e.g., September 2011)

* Encourage use of interagency agreements on design or implementation of pilot initiatives (e.g., September 2011)

* Request agency budget submissions to OMB to support pilot use in President’s budget (e.g., December 2013)
Adoption well underway – Many federal agencies have begun to use methodConnect practitioners* Launch a federal “community of practice” with support from GSA for meetings, listserv, and collaborative projects (e.g., April 2010, 2016, June 2019)

* Host regular events, workshops, and conferences with federal agency and, where appropriate and allowable, seek philanthropic or nonprofit co-hosts (e.g., April 2010, June 2012, April 2015, March 2018, May 2022)
Adoption well underway – Many federal agencies have begun to use methodStrengthen agency infrastructure* Foster leadership buy-in through briefings from White House/EOP to agency leadership, including members of the career senior executive service

* Encourage agencies to dedicate agency staff and invest in prize design support within agencies

* Encourage agencies to create contract vehicles as needed to support collaboration with vendors/ experts

* Encourage agencies to develop intra-agency networks of practitioners and to provide external communications support and platforms for outreach

* Request agency budget submissions to OMB for investments in agency infrastructure and expansion of use, to include in the President's budget where needed (e.g., 2012-2013), and request agencies otherwise accommodate lower-dollar support (such as allocation of FTEs) where possible within their budget toplines
Adoption well underway – Many federal agencies have begun to use methodClarify existing policies and authorities* Issue updated OMB, OSTP, or agency-specific policy guidance and memoranda as needed based on engagement with agencies and stakeholders (e.g.,: August 2011, March 2012)

* Provide technical assistance to Congress on any needed updates to government-wide or agency-specific authorities (e.g., January 2017)
Adoption prevalent – Most if not all federal agencies have adopted, with a need to maintain use and momentum over timeHighlight progress and capture lessons learned* Require regular reporting from agencies to EOP (OSTP, OMB, or similar) (e.g., April 2012, May 2022)

* Require and take full advantage of regular reports to Congress (e.g., April 2012, December 2013, May 2014, May 2015, August 2016, June 2019, May 2022, April 2024)

* Continue to capture and publish federal-use case studies in multiple formats online (e.g., June 2012)

* Undertake research, evaluation, and evidence-building

* Co-develop practitioner toolkit with federal agency experts (e.g., December 2016)

* Continue to feature promising examples on White House/EOP blogs and communication channels (e.g., October 2015, August 2020)

* Engage media and seek both general interest and targeted press coverage, including through external awards/honorifics (e.g., December 2013)
Adoption prevalent – Most if not all federal agencies have adopted, with a need to maintain use and momentum over timePrepare for presidential transitions and document opportunities for future administrations* Integrate go-forward proposals and lessons learned into presidential transition planning and transition briefings (e.g., June 2016-January 2017)

* Brief external stakeholders and Congressional supporters on progress and future opportunities

* Connect use of method to other, broader policy objectives and national priorities (e.g., August 2020, May 2022, April 2024)

Phases and timeline of policy actions advancing the adoption of incentive prizes by federal agencies

  1. Growing number of incentive prizes offered outside government (early 2000s)

At the close of the 20th century, federal use of incentive prizes to induce activity toward targeted solutions was limited, though the federal government regularly utilized recognition prizes to reward past accomplishment. In October 2004, the $10 million Ansari XPRIZE—which was first announced in May 1996—was awarded by the XPRIZE Foundation for the successful flights of Spaceship One by Scaled Composites. Following the awarding of the Ansari XPRIZE and the extensive resulting news coverage, philanthropists and high net worth individuals began to offer prize purses to incentivize action on a wide variety of technology and social challenges. A variety of new online challenge platforms sprung up, and new vendors began offering consulting services for designing and hosting challenges, trends that lowered the cost of prize competition administration and broadened participation in prize competitions among thousands of diverse solvers around the world. This growth in the use of prizes by philanthropists and the private sector increased the interest of the federal government in trying out incentive prizes to help meet agency missions and solve national challenges. Actions during this period to support federal use of incentive prizes include:

  1. Obama-Biden Administration Seeks to Expand Federal Prizes Through Administrative Action (2009-2010)

From the start of the Obama-Biden Administration, OSTP and OMB took a series of policy steps to expand the use of incentive prizes across federal agencies and build federal capacity to support those open-innovation efforts. Bipartisan support in Congress for these actions soon led to new legislation to further advance agency adoption of incentive prizes. Actions during this period to support federal use of incentive prizes include:

  1. Implementing New Government-Wide Prizes Authority Provided by the America COMPETES Act (2011-2016)

During this period of expansion in the federal use of incentive prizes supported by new government-wide prize authority provided by Congress, the Obama-Biden Administration continued to emphasize its commitment to the model, including as a key method for accomplishing administration priorities, including priorities related to open government and evidence-based decision making. Actions during this period to support federal use of incentive prizes include:

  1. Maintaining Momentum in New Presidential Administrations

Support for federal use of incentive prizes continued beyond the Obama-Biden Administration foundational efforts. Leadership by federal agency prize leads was particularly important to support this momentum from administration to administration. Actions during the Trump-Pence and Biden-Harris Administrations to support federal use of incentive prizes include:

Harnessed American ingenuity through increased use of incentive prizes. Since 2010, more than 80 Federal agencies have engaged 250,000 Americans through more than 700 challenges on to address tough problems ranging from fighting Ebola, to decreasing the cost of solar energy, to blocking illegal robocalls. These competitions have made more than $220 million available to entrepreneurs and innovators and have led to the formation of over 275 startup companies with over $70 million in follow-on funding, creating over 1,000 new jobs.

In addition, in January 2017, the Obama-Biden Administration OSTP mentioned the use of incentive prizes in its public “exit memo” as a key “pay-for-performance” method in agency science and technology strategies that “can deliver better results at lower cost for the American people,” and also noted:

Harnessing the ingenuity of citizen solvers and citizen scientists. The Obama Administration has harnessed American ingenuity, driven local innovation, and engaged citizen solvers in communities across the Nation by increasing the use of open-innovation approaches including crowdsourcing, citizen science, and incentive prizes. Following guidance and legislation in 2010, over 700 incentive prize competitions have been featured on from over 100 Federal agencies, with steady growth every year.

By the end of fiscal year 2022, federal agencies had hosted over 2,000 prize competitions on, since its launch in 2010. OSTP, GSA, and NASA CoECI had provided training to well over 2,000 federal practitioners during that same period. 

Number of Federal Prize Competitions by Authority FY14-FY22

Source: Office of Science and Technology Policy. Biennial Report on “IMPLEMENTATION OF FEDERAL PRIZE AND CITIZEN SCIENCE AUTHORITY: FISCAL YEARS 2021-22.” April 2024.

Federal Agency Practices to Support the Use of Prize Competitions

Source: Office of Science and Technology Policy. Biennial Report on “IMPLEMENTATION OF FEDERAL PRIZE AND CITIZEN SCIENCE AUTHORITY: FISCAL YEARS 2019-20.” March 2022. 


Over the span of a decade, incentive prizes had moved from a tool used primarily outside of the federal government to one used commonly across federal agencies, due to a concerted, multi-pronged effort led by policy entrepreneurs and incentive prize practitioners in the EOP and across federal agencies, with bipartisan congressional support, crossing several presidential administrations. And yet, the work to support the use of prizes by federal agencies is not complete–there remains extensive opportunity to further improve the design, rigor, ambition, and effectiveness of federal prize competitions; to move beyond “ideas challenges” to increase the use of incentive prizes to demonstrate technologies and solutions in testbeds and real-world deployment scenarios; to train additional federal personnel on the use of incentive prizes; to learn from the results of federal incentive prizes competitions; and to apply this method to address pressing and emerging challenges facing the nation.

In applying these lessons to efforts to expand the use of other promising methods in federal agencies, policy entrepreneurs in center-of-government federal agencies should be strategic in the policy actions they take to encourage and scale method adoption, by first seeking to understand the adoption maturity of that method (as well as the relevant policy readiness) and then by undertaking interventions appropriate for that stage of adoption. With attention and action by policy entrepreneurs to address factors that discourage risk-taking, experimentation, and piloting of new methods by federal agencies, it will be possible for federal agencies to utilize a further-expanded strategic portfolio of methods to catalyze the development, demonstration, and deployment of technology and innovative solutions to meet agency missions, solve long-standing problems, and address grand challenges facing our nation. 

Photo by Nick Fewings

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