New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from online public distribution include the following.
Climate Change Legislation in the 113th Congress, March 12, 2014
Cars, Trucks, and Climate: EPA Regulation of Greenhouse Gases from Mobile Sources, March 13, 2014
Canadian Oil Sands: Life-Cycle Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, March 10, 2014
Keystone XL: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessments in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), March 7, 2014
Nuclear Energy: Overview of Congressional Issues, March 14, 2014
The First Responder Network (FirstNet) and Next-Generation Communications for Public Safety: Issues for Congress, March 12, 2014
Department of Homeland Security Appropriations: FY2014 Overview and Summary, March 11, 2014
NASA Appropriations and Authorizations: A Fact Sheet, March 11, 2014
Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Disputes Involving China: Issues for Congress, March 14, 2014
The Military Commissions Act of 2009 (MCA 2009): Overview and Legal Issues, March 7, 2014
To tackle AI risks in grant spending, grant-making agencies should adopt trustworthy AI practices in their grant competitions and start enforcing them against reckless grantees.
Adoption of best practices across the ecosystem will help to improve hiring outcomes, reduce process delays, and enhance the overall hiring experience for all parties involved.
As long as nuclear weapons exist, nuclear war remains possible. The Nuclear Information Project provides transparency of global nuclear arsenals through open source analysis. It is through this data that policy makers can call for informed policy change.
The emphasis on interagency consensus, while well-intentioned, has become a structural impediment to bold or innovative policy options. When every agency effectively holds veto power over proposals, the path of least resistance becomes maintaining existing approaches with minor modifications.