Given its length, complexity and limited availability, it is unlikely that most members of Congress actually read the full text of the American Health Care Act that passed the House of Representatives today.
But the Congressional Research Service prepared a report, updated today, that includes an overview of all of the provisions of the Act. See H.R. 1628: The American Health Care Act (AHCA), May 4, 2017.
Other new and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service include the following.
Frequently Asked Questions About Prescription Drug Pricing and Policy, May 2, 2017
Revitalizing Coastal Shipping for Domestic Commerce, May 2, 2017
Trade Implications of the President’s Buy American Executive Order, CRS Insight, May 2, 2017
Presidential Appointee Positions Requiring Senate Confirmation and Committees Handling Nominations, updated May 3, 2017
The United States Withdraws from the TPP, CRS Insight, updated May 4, 2017
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF): Program Overview and Issues, updated May 3, 2017
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Federal Funding and Issues, updated May 3, 2017
How to Develop and Write a Grant Proposal, updated May 2, 2017
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To tackle AI risks in grant spending, grant-making agencies should adopt trustworthy AI practices in their grant competitions and start enforcing them against reckless grantees.
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