Publication Archive

Air Force Intelligence: No Human Experimentation Here

In the United States Air Force, “intelligence components do not engage in experimentation involving human subjects for intelligence purposes.” That unsolicited assurance was reiterated in the latest revision of Air Force Instruction 14-104, Oversight of Intelligence Activities, November 5, 2014. “For purposes of this instruction, the term ‘human subjects’ includes any person, whether or not […]

11.19.14 | 1 min read
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Scientific Basis of EPA Actions, and More from CRS

Noteworthy new products from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from online public distribution include the following. U.S. Trade Concepts, Performance, and Policy: Frequently Asked Questions, November 17, 2014 Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Federal Whistleblower Case, CRS Legal Sidebar, November 14, 2014 Scientific Basis of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Actions: H.R. […]

11.19.14 | 1 min read
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“No Fly” List to Offer Increased Transparency

The “no fly” list procedures that are used to prevent individuals who may present a security hazard from flying on commercial aircraft are being revised to make them more transparent and easier to challenge, government attorneys said Friday. They asked a court to suspend a lawsuit disputing the constitutionality of the “no fly” procedures for […]

11.17.14 | 3 min read
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Joint Doctrine: Counterterrorism, and Countering WMD

New military doctrine from the Joint Chiefs of Staff “narrows the definition of counterterrorism” to focus on activities designed to neutralize terrorist networks. It excludes actions to “counter root causes” of terrorism, which have now been removed from the definition. The new publication also “describes the activities of the global special operations network as it […]

11.17.14 | 1 min read
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Wanted: Director of the Federal Register (Top Secret)

The National Archives is seeking a new Director of the Federal Register program, a position that requires a Top Secret security clearance. The Federal Register is sometimes described as the “daily newspaper” of the executive branch. Each weekday, it “provides citizens access to proposed and final regulations, rules, and other administrative actions of the Federal […]

11.14.14 | 2 min read
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Executive Discretion in Immigration, and More from CRS

New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from public distribution include the following. Executive Discretion as to Immigration: Legal Overview, November 10, 2014 FEMA’s Disaster Declaration Process: A Primer, November 12, 2014 A New Authorization for Use of Military Force Against the Islamic State: Comparison of Current Proposals in […]

11.14.14 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Pentagon Review To Fix Nuclear Problems – Again

Less than a decade after the Pentagon conducted a major review to fix problems in the nuclear management of U.S. nuclear forces, the Pentagon today announced the results of yet another review. The new review identifies more than 100 fixes that are needed to correct management and personnel issues. The fixes “will cost several billion […]

11.14.14 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Pentagon Review To Fix Nuclear Problems – Again

Less than a decade after the Pentagon conducted a major review to fix problems in the nuclear management of U.S. nuclear forces, the Pentagon today announced the results of yet another review. The new review identifies more than 100 fixes that are needed to correct management and personnel issues. The fixes “will cost several billion […]

11.14.14 | 1 min read
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Army Equipment Lost in Afghanistan (FOUO)

Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of U.S. Army equipment and supplies in Afghanistan have been lost or are unaccounted for, a report from the Department of Defense Inspector General said. “Since 2010, 309 forward operating bases [in Afghanistan] have closed and only a fraction of lost items from previous [inventory loss investigations] have been […]

11.07.14 | 1 min read
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House and Senate Staff Pay, and More from CRS

New and updated publications from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from online public access include the following. Staff Pay Levels for Selected Positions in House Member Offices, 2009-2013, November 3, 2014 Staff Pay Levels for Selected Positions in Senators’ Offices, FY2009-FY2013, November 3, 2014 Congressional Action on FY2015 Appropriations Measures, November 5, […]

11.07.14 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
The New York Times: Which President Cut the Most Nukes?

By Hans M. Kristensen The New York Time today profiles my recent blog about U.S. presidential nuclear weapon stockpile reductions. The core of the story is that the Obama administration, despite its strong arms control rhetoric and efforts to reduce the numbers and role of nuclear weapons, so far has cut fewer nuclear warheads from the […]

11.02.14 | 2 min read
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2014 Intelligence Budget Figures Released

The National Intelligence Program received a total appropriation of $50.5 billion in fiscal year 2014, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence disclosed yesterday, as required by law. The Military Intelligence Program was funded at $17.4 billion in FY 2014, the Department of Defense said. Current and past intelligence budget disclosures can be found […]

10.31.14 | 1 min read
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