Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Increasing Access to Capital by Expanding SBA’s Secondary Market Capacity

Interagency Community Investment Committee agencies should partner with the Small Business Administration to use their existing authority and infrastructure to pilot a secondary market for their securitized debt instruments.

05.25.23 | 9 min read
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Emerging Technology
The bold vision of the CHIPS and Science Act isn’t getting the funding it needs

The CHIPS and Science Act establishes a compelling vision for U.S. innovation and place-based industrial policy, but that vision is already being hampered by tight funding.

05.23.23 | 10 min read
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Emerging Technology
What Should Come Next for the NSF Innovation Engines Communities? (And What About Those That Just Missed Out?)

There are exciting things ahead for communities that participated in the NSF Engines grant program, even for those that missed out on securing funding.

05.17.23 | 6 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Addressing Online Harassment and Abuse through a Collaborative Digital Hub

The authors propose that the White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse convene government actors, civil society organizations, and industry representatives to create an Anti-Online Harassment (AOH) Hub to improve and standardize responses to online harassment and to provide evidence-based recommendations to the Task Force.

05.16.23 | 10 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Accelerating Biomanufacturing and Producing Cost-Effective Amino Acids through a Grand Challenge

Amino acids are essential but costly inputs for large-scale bioproduction. Federal funding can incentivize scalable production, cutting these costs in half.

05.15.23 | 14 min read
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Emerging Technology
CHIPS and Science Funding Update: FY 2023 Omnibus, FY 2024 Budget Both Short by Billions

Here’s how CHIPS and Science funding is shaping up in the battle over the federal budget.

05.12.23 | 12 min read
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Emerging Technology
Policy Memo
Visa Interview Waivers after COVID

Even though the COVID emergency is over, personal appearance waivers should be a standing policy in low risk cases.

05.11.23 | 10 min read
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Emerging Technology
How Do OpenAI’s Efforts To Make GPT-4 “Safer” Stack Up Against The NIST AI Risk Management Framework?

Before releasing a new, powerful system like GPT-4 to millions of users, we must ask: “How can we know that this system is safe, trustworthy, and reliable enough to be released?”

05.11.23 | 9 min read
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Emerging Technology
State Department Must Urgently Update the Exchange Visitor Skills List To Safeguard American Interests

The J1 visa Exchange Visitor Program, a pivotal mechanism fostering global cultural exchange and dissemination of specialized knowledge, remains regrettably stagnant since its last renewal in 2009.

05.11.23 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Creating a Fair Work Ombudsman to Bolster Protections  for Gig Workers

A large portion of gig workers are people of color, and the nature of their temporary and largely unregulated work can leave them vulnerable to economic instability and workplace abuse. To increase protections for fair work, the Department of Labor should create an Office of the Ombudsman for Fair Work.

05.02.23 | 9 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Establishing an AI Center of Excellence to Address Maternal Health Disparities

Maternal mortality is a crisis in the United States. The Biden-Harris Administration should establish an AI Center of Excellence to bring together data sources and then analyze, diagnose, and address maternal health disparities, all while demonstrating trustworthy and responsible AI principles.

05.02.23 | 7 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Transforming On-Demand Medical Oxygen Infrastructure to Improve Access and Mortality Rates

Investing in oxygen as a utility through on-demand infrastructure can improve access and mortality rates globally. Healthcare experts propose how an international coalition led by USAID can transform the medical oxygen marketplaces of low- and middle-income countries to ensure every patient has the oxygen they need.

05.01.23 | 17 min read
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