Publication Archive

FISA Amendments and the Rule of Law

In a speech on the Senate floor yesterday, Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) said the current debate over amending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is not simply one more dispute over intelligence policy. Rather, he said, it calls into question basic issues of democratic governance and the rule of law. He presented the case against […]

06.25.08 | 2 min read
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Court Narrows Scope of Appeal in AIPAC Case

A federal appeals court handling the case of two former employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) who are charged with unlawful handling of classified information last week granted a defense motion to limit the scope of a pending prosecution appeal. In March, a lower court had issued a sealed 278-page court order […]

06.23.08 | 3 min read
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Science and the 2008 Election

The Federation of American Scientists and other science-related organizations are urging their members and others to ask candidates about science and technology policy in the 2008 congressional elections. From energy production to climate change and innovation, participants are encouraged to question incumbents and challengers about their agenda for meeting pressing science and technology challenges in […]

06.23.08 | 1 min read
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DHS Invites Public Comment on Infrastructure Protection

In a noteworthy contrast with the secrecy that prevails in much of government and often within its own ranks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is soliciting public comment on revisions to the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), which is the framework for defending essential infrastructure, ranging from agriculture to transportation, against attack or natural […]

06.23.08 | 2 min read
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Ask your Congressman About Science

The Federation of American Scientists has joined 16 prominent scientific and engineering groups to ask all Congressional candidates seven questions on the science and technology policies that affect all of our lives. The November election will be a critical moment for science and technology policy in the United States. Voters must know where the candidates […]

06.20.08 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
National Biodefense Science Board Meeting

On June 18, 2008 the National Biodefense Science Board held their second meeting. The NBSB was created under the 2006 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act and was established to provide expert advice and guidance to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on scientific, technical, and other matters of special […]

06.19.08 | 3 min read
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Cost of Secrecy System Reaches Record High

The cost of implementing the national security classification system in government and industry reached an all-time high of $9.91 billion last year, according to the latest annual report (pdf) from the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). The 2007 classification cost figure, which includes physical security, computer security and other aspects of classified information security, was […]

06.19.08 | 3 min read
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JASON on Wind Farms and Radar

Wind farms that use spinning blades and turbines to generate electricity have the undesirable side effect of disrupting the operation of radar systems. The JASON defense science advisory group was asked to consider the problem and to propose solutions. “Wind farms interfere with the radar tracking of airplanes and weather. The velocity of the blade […]

06.19.08 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
USAF Report: “Most” Nuclear Weapon Sites In Europe Do Not Meet US Security Requirements

Members of the 704 Munition Support Squadron at Ghedi Torre in Italy are trained to service a B-61 nuclear bomb inside a Munitions Maintenance Truck. Security at “most” nuclear bases in Europe does not meet DOD safety requirements, a newly declassified U.S. Air Force review has found. Withdrawal from some is rumored. Image: USAF . […]

06.19.08 | 7 min read
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Global Risk
Promoting Mutual Security and Development through Bioscience Cooperation

Yesterday the CUBRC Center for International Science and Technology Advancement held a symposium entitled “Promoting Mutual Security and Development through Bioscience Cooperation”. The meeting focused on ways to promote cooperation and networking across organizations to create a more prosperous and secure world. Dr. Leonard Marcus of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard […]

06.18.08 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
US – Russia 123 Agreement on the Hill

On Thursday, June 12 the House Foreign Relations Committee met for over three hours and heard testimony from members of the Committee, a representative of the Bush administration, and expert witnesses regarding the pros and cons of supporting the Agreement Between the United States and Russia for Cooperation in the Field of Peaceful Uses of […]

06.18.08 | 1 min read
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Reducing Controls on Unclassified Information

To reduce unnecessary restrictions on unclassified information, Congress should require agencies to publish more of their unclassified records, we suggested in a letter (pdf) to the House Intelligence Committee this week. A White House policy announced last month to establish a government-wide standard for “controlled unclassified information” (CUI) may exacerbate existing barriers to public access, […]

06.17.08 | 2 min read
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