Publication Archive

OSC Ranks the Ten Most Influential British Commentators

The Open Source Center (OSC) of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently ranked the individuals whom it considers to be the ten most influential political commentators in the British press and profiled them in an OSC publication (pdf). These commentators — from the BBC, Sky News, the Guardian, and elsewhere — are […]

02.17.09 | 1 min read
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Interrogation of Detainees, and More from CRS

The shifting legal framework governing the interrogation of detainees held by the U.S. Government was examined in several newly updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not previously been made readily available to the public (all pdf). “Interrogation of Detainees: Requirements of the Detainee Treatment Act,” updated January 23, 2009. “U.N. Convention Against […]

02.17.09 | 1 min read
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Other Secrecy News

“Despite President Obama’s vow to open government more than ever, the Justice Department is defending Bush administration decisions to keep secret many documents about domestic wiretapping, data collection on travelers and U.S. citizens, and interrogation of suspected terrorists,” Michael J. Sniffen reported for the Associated Press.  See “Despite Obama Pledge, Justice Defends Bush Secrets,” February […]

02.17.09 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Russian Strategic Submarine Patrols Rebound

Russian SSBN patrols tripled from 2007 to 2008. . By Hans M. Kristensen Russia sent more nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines on patrol in 2008 than in any other year since 1998, according to information obtained by Federation of American Scientists from U.S. naval intelligence. The information shows that Russian missile submarine conducted ten patrols in […]

02.17.09 | 3 min read
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Corrections and an Apology to CRS

In a recent news story about the public availability of Congressional Research Service reports (“Thousands of Congressional Reports Now Available Online” by Brian Krebs,, February 11), I was accurately quoted saying: “While 90 percent of the [CRS] reports are probably mediocre, at their best they are very good.” I wish I had not said […]

02.13.09 | 2 min read
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A Forgotten Spy at GAO?

“There is no known instance in which classified information was leaked or compromised by Government Accountability Office (GAO) employees,” I wrote on February 9 (“Senate Bill Revisits GAO Oversight of Intelligence”).  But that may not be true, according to one former GAO analyst. “Sadly, your assertion of GAO’s record of no loss or compromise of […]

02.13.09 | 2 min read
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Marine Corps: Expose Yourself to Secrecy News

U.S. Marine Corps personnel who are responsible for protecting classified information should consult a variety of sources including Secrecy News in order to maintain their professional awareness, a new Marine Corps newsletter advised (pdf). To begin with, “you should read every security-related regulation/article you can get your hands on,” including the executive order on classification, […]

02.13.09 | 1 min read
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Management Crisis Threatens “Foreign Relations” Series

A management crisis in the State Department Office of the Historian threatens the future of the official “Foreign Relations of the United States” (FRUS) series that documents the history of U.S. foreign policy, according to a newly disclosed report on the situation. “We find that the current working atmosphere in the HO [Historian’s Office] and […]

02.12.09 | 4 min read
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Open Source Center Views Iraqi Elections

A recent DNI Open Source Center publication presents a guide to the Iraqi provincial elections that took place on January 31.  The report was prepared prior to the elections and does not reflect their important results, but it does provide an informative overview of the electoral process, the Iraqi provincial council structure, and the thirty-six […]

02.12.09 | 1 min read
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Iran’s Economic Conditions, and More from CRS

Noteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public — despite the widely–noted publication and republication of other CRS reports by this week — include the following (all pdf). “Iran’s Economic Conditions: U.S. Policy Issues,” updated January 15, 2009. “U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians,” […]

02.12.09 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Plague Infected Mice Missing from UMDNJ Lab

This weekend it was reported that 2 mice infected with Yersinia pestis, the causitive agent of plague, were missing from a lab at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). In September 2005 it was also reported that 3 live mice infected with Y. pestis were missing from UMDNJ a lab. In […]

02.09.09 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
USAMRIID Suspends Select Agent Research

ScienceInsider is reporting that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) has suspended their research on biological select agents and toxins. Officials froze research last Friday when they realized that there were problems with the system of accounting for high risk microbes and biological materials in the laboratories at Fort Detrick, MD […]

02.09.09 | 2 min read
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