Publication Archive

Global Risk
Briefing on Oversight of High-Containment Laboratories

On March 12 AAAS in partnership with the Center for Biosecurity of UPMC hosted a public briefing to discuss the current oversight of high-containment laboratories. The session was held to discuss the elements of H.R. 1225, the recently introduced Select Agent Program and Biosafety Improvement Act of 2009. This bill seeks to reauthorize the Select […]

03.12.09 | 1 min read
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CRS Views the Cybersecurity Initiative

The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) that was established by classified presidential directive (NSPD 54 and HSPD 23) in January 2008 is deliberately opaque, and there is little specific information in the public domain about its conduct or performance to date. “Much remains unknown about the CNCI due to the classified nature of the presidential […]

03.12.09 | 2 min read
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Plain Writing, and Sunshine in Litigation

One way “to enhance citizen access to Government information,” a new Senate bill proposes, would be to require that Government documents “must be written clearly.” By insisting on plain language in official documents, the bill “promotes transparency and accountability,” said lead sponsor Sen. Daniel Akaka.  “It is very difficult to hold the Federal Government accountable […]

03.12.09 | 2 min read
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North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons, and More from CRS

Noteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service obtained by Secrecy News include the following (all pdf). “North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons,” February 12, 2009. “Japan’s Nuclear Future: Policy Debate, Prospects, and U.S. Interests,” February 19, 2009. “The United Arab Emirates Nuclear Program and Proposed U.S. Nuclear Cooperation,” March 10, 2009.

03.12.09 | 1 min read
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Germs, Viruses, and Secrets

In an awkward and disturbing irony, the most significant bioterrorism incident in the U.S. to date — i.e., the 2001 anthrax attacks — apparently originated in a U.S. military laboratory that was engaged in biological defense research.  Yet the pursuit of such research, and perhaps the associated threat, has continued to expand. “No one in […]

03.10.09 | 2 min read
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New Presidential Memoranda

“If scientific and technological information is developed and used by the Federal Government, it should ordinarily be made available to the public,” according to a new memorandum on “Scientific Integrity” that was issued by President Obama on March 9. Another presidential memorandum promises to limit the use of “presidential signing statements” that raise constitutional objections […]

03.10.09 | 1 min read
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US, China, and Incidents at Sea

Chinese ships harassed a U.S. ship last Sunday in the South China Sea, prompting a formal U.S. government protest.  The Chinese actions were “dangerous” and “unprofessional,” according to the Pentagon. But a Chinese government spokesman rejected the complaint.  “The U.S. claims are gravely in contravention of the facts and confuse black and white, and they […]

03.10.09 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
US-Chinese Anti-Submarine Cat and Mouse Game in South China Sea

The Chinese military harassment of a U.S. submarine surveillance vessel Sunday occurred only 75 miles from China’s growing naval base near Yulin on Hainan Island. . By Hans M. Kristensen [updated 1:50 P.M., 3/10/09] The incident that unfolded in the South China Sea Sunday, where the U.S. Navy says five Chinese ships harassed the U.S. […]

03.10.09 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
President Obama Overturns Bush Stem Cell Ban

During a ceremony at the White House today, President Obama signed an Executive Order to overturn President Bush’s 2001 restrictions on using federal funds for research on embryonic stem cells. The Executive Order is focused on stem cell research, but it signals a desire by the Obama Administration to return scientific integrity to its policy […]

03.09.09 | 1 min read
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White House Web Site Off to a Slow Start

Many of the most substantive and significant documents generated by the Obama Administration to date are surprisingly absent from the White House web site. President Obama recently ordered the reorganization of the National Security Council through a Presidential Policy Directive.  But the unclassified Directive is not even mentioned on the White House web site, much […]

03.09.09 | 1 min read
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Federal Employees Pursue Knowledge Management

An ad hoc group of several hundred federal employees and others has convened online to advocate improved “knowledge management” in the federal government. Knowledge management refers generally to the production, preservation and exchange of knowledge in such a way as to maximize the sharing of information and to optimize its use. “Although most federal agencies […]

03.09.09 | 1 min read
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The President and the DCI: Ten Audio Records

Audio recordings of ten conversations between President Richard M. Nixon and Director of Central Intelligence Richard M. Helms are now available online. The conversations, which took place in 1971 and 1972, addressed topics including Vietnam, the India-Pakistan War of 1971, the Soviet Union, China, the Bay of Pigs, and more.  Several of the recordings are […]

03.09.09 | 1 min read
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