Publication Archive

Congressional Oversight, and More from CRS

New Congressional Research Service reports obtained by Secrecy News that have not been made readily available to the public include the following (all pdf). “Visa Security Policy: Roles of the Departments of State and Homeland Security,” March 8, 2010. “Legislative Options After Citizens United v. FEC: Constitutional and Legal Issues,” March 8, 2010. “FY2011 Budget […]

03.11.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Testing the No-New-Nuclear-Weapons Pledge

The Air Force is considering a replacement for the nuclear air-launched cruise missile. Will the NPR agree or adhere to Barack Obama’s no-new-nuclear-weapons pledge? . By Hans M. Kristensen [updated March 18, 2010] One of the important tests of Obama Administration’s nuclear nonproliferation policy will be whether the long-delayed Nuclear Posture Review will approve new […]

03.09.10 | 4 min read
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Pentagon Study Critiques 2003 Transition in Iraq

The transition of U.S. military forces in Iraq to post-major combat operations in 2003 was marred by failures in leadership and planning, according to an internal report (pdf) prepared for the Pentagon that was partially declassified and released this month under the Freedom of Information Act. “The transition that occurred was not the one that […]

03.09.10 | 2 min read
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Navy Intel Oversight, Protecting Unclassified Info

The U.S. Navy has released some new guidance pertaining to intelligence programs, including the following items (both pdf). “Oversight of the Department of the Navy Military Intelligence Program,” SECNAV Instruction 5000.38A, February 5, 2010. “Required Operational Capabilities and Projected Operational Environment for Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command Forces,” OPNAV Instruction 3501.382, March 1, 2010. The Department […]

03.09.10 | 1 min read
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Book: A Genius for Deception

One of the few unclassified discussions of official U.S. policy on the use of “cover stories” to conceal classified activities and operations advised that “Cover stories must be believable.”  (1992 draft SAP Supplement [pdf], at p. 3-1-5). But such pedestrian guidance would not have been needed by British military and intelligence officials during the past […]

03.09.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
CTBT ratification and fact-twisting arguments

By: Alicia Godsberg On Friday, February 5 the EastWest Institute (EWI) held a seminar at their office in New York to discuss its recently released report on the CTBT, entitled, “The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: New Technology, New Prospects?” Speaking at the event for the pro-CTBT ratification camp was Ambassador Robert T. Grey, Jr. (Director, […]

03.04.10 | 1 min read
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White House Offers Glimpse of Cybersecurity Program

The White House yesterday released a newly declassified description (pdf) of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), a highly classified program that is intended to protect U.S. government computer networks against intrusion and disruption. The cybersecurity initiative was established in January 2008 by President Bush’s classified National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 54, and quickly became […]

03.03.10 | 3 min read
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Army Foresees “Perpetual Turbulence” in Cyberspace

U.S. Army doctrine (pdf) published last week anticipates an increasingly unstable information environment that may challenge Army operations and test national capabilities. “Unprecedented levels of adverse activity in and through cyberspace threaten the integrity of United States critical infrastructure, financial systems, and elements of national power. These threats range from unwitting hackers to nation-states, each […]

03.03.10 | 1 min read
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Use of U.S. Forces Abroad, 1798-2009, and More from CRS

Noteworthy new and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public include the following (all pdf). “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2009,” January 27, 2010. “Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians,” February 26, 2010. “China-North Korea Relations,” January 22, 2010. “Honduran Political […]

03.03.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Jin SSBN Flashes its Tubes

One of China’s two Jin-class SSBNs with two open missile tubes. Click for larger image. . By Hans M. Kristensen One of China’s two new Jin-class SSBNs was photographed with two of its 12 missile tubes open when it visited Xiaopingdao Naval Base in March 2009. The Jins are being readied to carry the JL-2, […]

03.03.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Changing the Nuclear Posture: moving smartly without leaping

Release of the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is delayed once again.  Originally due late last year, in part so it could inform the on-going negotiations on the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty Follow-on (START-FO), after a couple of delays it was supposed to be released today, 1 March, but last week word got out that it […]

03.02.10 | 1 min read
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House Approves Two Secrecy Policy Measures

The House of Representatives last week approved two secrecy-related amendments to the pending FY 2010 intelligence authorization act (HR 2701).  The amendments and the bill itself await further action in a House-Senate conference. An amendment by Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) would require the Director of National Intelligence to identify records held by U.S. intelligence agencies […]

03.01.10 | 2 min read
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