Publication Archive

NASA Releases Online Library on Risk Mitigation

NASA has produced a library of “knowledge bundles” describing how various technical problems that arose in the course of its space technology programs were successfully resolved. Last week, the library was posted online. If you want to know how a solar array was repaired in orbit, or how an astronaut dealt with a punctured glove, […]

06.13.13 | 1 min read
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Responding to Change in the Middle East, and More from CRS

New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that have been withheld by Congress from public distribution online include the following. The United States and Europe: Responding to Change in the Middle East and North Africa, June 12, 2013 Israel: Background and U.S. Relations, June 12, 2013 U.S.-Mexican Security Cooperation: the Merida Initiative and […]

06.13.13 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Nukes in Europe: Secrecy Under Siege

By Hans M. Kristensen The Cold War practice of NATO and the United States refusing to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons anywhere is under attack in Europe. This week, two former Dutch prime ministers publicly confirmed the presence of nuclear weapons at Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands, one of six bases […]

06.13.13 | 7 min read
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DoD Warns Employees of Classified Info in Public Domain

As a new wave of classified documents published by news organizations appeared online over the past week, the Department of Defense instructed employees and contractors that they must neither seek out nor download classified material that is in the public domain. “Classified information, whether or not already posted on public websites, disclosed to the media, […]

06.11.13 | 1 min read
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Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban, and More from CRS

New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public include the following. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Background and Current Developments, June 10, 2013 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: Comparative Trade and Economic Analysis, June 10, 2013 Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Research, Development, and Demonstration at the U.S. […]

06.11.13 | 1 min read
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Secrecy News in the News

“If President Obama really welcomed a debate [on intelligence surveillance policy], there are all kinds of things he could do in terms of declassification and disclosure to foster it. But he’s not doing any of them.” At least that’s my perception. See Debate on Secret Data Looks Unlikely, Partly Due to Secrecy by Scott Shane […]

06.11.13 | 1 min read
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Secret Surveillance and the Crisis of Legitimacy

In December 1974, when a previous program of secret government surveillance was revealed by Seymour Hersh in the New York Times, the ensuing public uproar led directly to extensive congressional investigations and the creation of new mechanisms of oversight, including intelligence oversight committees in Congress and an intelligence surveillance court. The public uproar over the […]

06.10.13 | 4 min read
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FISA Court Says It Cannot Easily Summarize Opinions

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) told the Senate Intelligence Committee last March that there are “serious obstacles” that would prevent it from preparing summaries of Court opinions for declassification and public disclosure. The Court was responding to a February 13, 2013 letter from Senators Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Merkley, Ron Wyden and Mark Udall.  They […]

06.10.13 | 2 min read
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Edward Snowden, Source of NSA Leaks, Steps Forward

A former CIA employee and NSA contractor named Edward Snowden identified himself as the source of the the serial revelations of classified documents concerning U.S. intelligence surveillance activities that were disclosed last week. “I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong,” he told The Guardian newspaper. […]

06.10.13 | 2 min read
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DoD Releases Doctrine on Mass Atrocity Response Operations

The Department of Defense this week released the 2012 update of its doctrine on “Peace Operations” including new guidance on so-called Mass Atrocity Response Operations that are designed to prevent or halt genocide or other large-scale acts of violence directed at civilian populations. A mass atrocity consists of “widespread and often systematic acts of violence […]

06.06.13 | 3 min read
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Identity of Fox News Reporter James Rosen Declassified

The government declared today that the identity of the reporter to whom accused leaker Stephen Kim allegedly disclosed classified information is James Rosen of Fox News.  Mr. Rosen’s association with the case was publicly known for years.  But it was still classified.  Now it’s not. “The United States hereby gives notice to the Court, defense […]

06.06.13 | 1 min read
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Government Gathers Phone Records of Verizon Customers

At the request of the FBI, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ordered a Verizon subsidiary to surrender the telephone records of its U.S. business customers to the National Security Agency for at least a three month period beginning last April 25. The startling disclosure was reported last night by Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian. A […]

06.06.13 | 1 min read
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