Publication Archive

Global Risk
Human Factors in Verifying Warhead Dismantlement

Arms control agreements that envision the verified dismantlement of nuclear weapons require the availability of suitable technology to perform the verification. But they also depend on the good faith of the participants and a shared sense of confidence in the integrity of the verification process. An exercise in demonstrated warhead dismantlement showed that such confidence […]

10.27.16 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
New START Data Shows Russian Warhead Increase Before Expected Decrease

By Hans M. Kristensen The latest set of so-called New START treaty aggregate data published by the U.S. State Department shows that Russia is continuing to increase the number of nuclear warheads it deploys on its declining inventory of strategic launchers. Russia now has 259 warheads more deployed than when the treaty entered into force in […]

10.03.16 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Nuclear Weapons Secrecy Policy Relaxed, a Bit

The fact that a now-retired nuclear weapon was once located at a now-closed location in the United States shall no longer be considered classified information, the Department of Defense announced last week. This may seem so trivial and insignificant as to be hardly worth deciding or announcing, but it could have positive practical consequences for […]

09.26.16 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Increasing Nuclear Bomber Operations

By Hans M. Kristensen CBS’s 60 Minutes program Risk of Nuclear Attack Rises described that Russia may be lowering the threshold for when it would use nuclear weapons, and showed how U.S. nuclear bombers have started flying missions they haven’t flown since the Cold War: Over the North Pole and deep into Northern Europe to send a warning to […]

09.26.16 | 7 min read
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Global Risk
Non-Nuclear Bombers For Reassurance and Deterrence

By Hans M. Kristensen The U.S. Air Force today sent two non-nuclear B-1 bombers to overfly South Korea in response to North Korea’s recent nuclear test. The operation coincides with the deployment of two non-nuclear B-1 bombers and a recently denuclearized B-52 bomber to Europe for exercise Ample Strike. To be sure, nuclear bombers continue […]

09.13.16 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Seeking Verifiable Destruction of Nuclear Warheads

A longstanding conundrum surrounding efforts to negotiate reductions in nuclear arsenals is how to verify the physical destruction of nuclear warheads to the satisfaction of an opposing party without disclosing classified weapons design information. Now some potential new solutions to this challenge are emerging. Based on tests that were conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission […]

07.20.16 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
New FAS Nuclear Notebook: Chinese Nuclear Forces, 2016

By Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris China’s nuclear forces are limited compared with those of Russia and the United States. Nonetheless, its arsenal is slowly increasing both in numbers of warheads and delivery vehicles. In our latest FAS Nuclear Notebook on Chinese nuclear forces published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, we […]

07.01.16 | 6 min read
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Global Risk
Navy Builds Underground Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility; Seattle Busses Carry Warning

The US Navy has quietly built a new $294 million underground nuclear weapons storage complex at the Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (SWFPAC), a high-security base in Washington that stores and maintains the Trident II ballistic missiles and their nuclear warheads for the strategic submarine fleet operating in the Pacific Ocean. The SWFPAC and the eight […]

06.27.16 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Flawed Pentagon Nuclear Cruise Missile Advocacy

By Hans M. Kristensen In its quest to secure Congressional approval for a new nuclear cruise missile, the Pentagon is putting words in the mouth of President Barack Obama and spinning and overstating requirements and virtues of the weapon. Last month, DOD circulated an anonymous letter to members of Congress after it learned that Senator […]

06.10.16 | 13 min read
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Global Risk
Briefing to Arms Control Association Annual Meeting

Yesterday I gave a talk at the Arms Control Association’s annual meeting: Global Nuclear Challenges and Solutions for the Next U.S. President. A full-day and well-attended event that included speeches by many important people, including Ben Rhodes, who is Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications in the Obama administration. My presentation was on the panel […]

06.07.16 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Updated Nuclear Stockpile Figures Declassified

The size of the U.S. nuclear stockpile as of September 30, 2015 — 4,571 weapons — and the number of U.S. nuclear weapons that were dismantled in FY 2015 — 109 of them — were declassified and disclosed last week. The latest figures came as a disappointment to arms control and disarmament advocates who favor […]

05.31.16 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
US Nuclear Stockpile Numbers Published Enroute To Hiroshima

By Hans M. Kristensen Shortly before President Barack Obama is scheduled to arrive for his historic visit to Hiroshima, the first of two Japanese cities destroyed by U.S. nuclear bombs in 1945, the Pentagon has declassified and published updated numbers for the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile and warhead dismantlements. Those numbers show that the Obama administration […]

05.26.16 | 6 min read
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